Chapter Twenty Nine

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Eleanor had woken up the following morning feeling refreshed and ready for whatever this day was going to throw at her... starting with a missing Newt. Why is this man always missing, she thought while throwing her legs out of bed and changing into a peach pink dress. She checked the bathroom, but was confused to find it empty. Her eyes fell to the case on the desk that was shut closed. She unlatched it and yelled down. 

"Newt? Are you in there?" She waited for a response and didn't hear anything. Maybe he just went out for a walk. She placed the case on the ground and lowered herself in. Eleanor got to work to feed all of the creatures and wish them all good morning. It was probably a good hour before she returned back to her room above. She became very worried when Newt wasn't in the room still. Why wouldn't he leave a note?

She walked over to the door and went to open, but it was locked. 

"What the...?" She murmured and jiggled it harder to see if it would budge. It didn't... she drew her wand out and pointed it towards the door. 

"Alohomora," She said and nothing. 

"Aberto?" She tried a different one. 

"Open Sesame?" She sighed in frustration. She looked over to the desk in the corner and saw a piece of parchment with fresh ink. 


King Khufu has taken me to retrieve the creatures from the dungeons and I will be continuing tHis journEy on my own. By the time you are reading this, I wilL be in Poland and away from you. Do not try to find me


"What a load of rubbish," Eleanor muttered. She immediately noticed how Newt made words darker than the rest and capitalized some letters. 

"King Khufu has taken me to the dungeons. Help me." She reread it and knew she had to get her shit together. She wasn't sure if she should wait for someone to get her and open the door when she had an idea. Eleanor ran back to the case and practically dove in head first. 

"Poppy...? I need your help," Eleanor said to the bowtruckle peeping her head out of her home. Eleanor held her hand out to let Poppy climb on and into her hair. Here eyes directed to the small cocoon at Newt's desk. The swooping evil rested peacefully and Eleanor wasn't sure if it would respond to her the way it did for Newt. She knew it would help with protection and she didn't even know if Newt had his wand or not. She carefully placed the cocoon in her sleeve for easy access and ran back up the stairs. 

"Poppy, I need you to get this open for me, alright?" She said to the bowtruckle and watched her work her magic. In less than a minute, the door was open and Eleanor poked her head out around the corner. No one was in the hallway, but now she had to find a way to the dungeons. 

She placed Poppy back in her hair, grabbed the case, and decided to go the opposite way the lady had brought them the previous night. Carefully, Eleanor made sure every step she took was quiet, she turned a corner and quickly retreated. There was a woman coming towards her rather quickly with a wand in her hand.  

"Stupefy," She muttered while revealing herself to the lady. Fortunately for Eleanor, the lady wasn't expecting to see her and she was nailed with the curse and sent flying back. Eleanor ran over to her and noticed that the wand in her hand belonged to her boyfriend. She grabbed the wand and shoved it in her pocket while pushing the lady into a side room to keep her from being found and alerting any others that happen to come this way. 

Now being even more concerned about Newt, Eleanor began to run, her bare feet were slapping against the cold hard stone floor and she prayed no one could hear her. She rounded a corner and stood at the top of a staircase leading down into darkness. 

Newt's Assistant: A Newt Scamander FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now