New Beginnings - Part two

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Their faces hardened at once, and Wei Wuxian could recognise the moment they understood exactly what had happened.

"I thought it was strange, you two choosing to leave shortly after going into the Cold Pond," said Lan Xichen, sighing. "So it turns out you met Master Lan Yi, and she told you of the Yin Iron. But that doesn't explain why you two were gone for so long; could it be you have been trying to destroy it?"

"The Yin Iron is an old, dangerous artefact that we five clans sought to hide from the rest of the jianghu," said Lan Qiren gravely. "The knowledge of it is no longer shared, and us of the Lan Clan decided it is critical that the present and future generations of our Clan Leaders are at least aware. I myself only told Xichen recently, as our investigation into these fierce corpses would be held back had I not."

"Please allow me to explain," said Wei Wuxian, presenting them the Qiankun pouch. Nodding to Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen took it before suddenly gasping in surprise.

"This..." he whispered, raising his hand and using qi to summon the two quarters of the Yin Iron held inside. "You have another piece? And... they have both been subdued?"

Lan Qiren's breathing laboured and he had to hold his forehead to prevent himself from doubling over. "You two... Do you have any idea how severe what you have done is? If it's just the one from the Back Mountain, it's no trouble as it is within our Clan's territory, however... Whichever Sect was responsible for that other one will inevitably realise, one day, how it has been taken. Whose was it? The Nies'? Jins'? Or," his tone grew curt and steady, as though treading on eggshells. "The Wens'?"

"Neither," said Wei Wuxian. "We got it from the Lady Florist's Mansion in Caiyi. After doing some investigating, we found out it was there. Additionally, we know that Wen Ruohan is actively looking for the Yin Iron."

Lan Qiren's body trembled and he fell back into a chair, still weak and frail after a recent qi deviation. Lan Xichen quickly brought him a cup of tea, and once he downed it to the bottom, Lan Qiren sighed loudly. "It all makes sense..."

"We know he also has one right now," said Wei Wuxian. "From the Dancing Maiden Statue in a temple on Dafan Mountain. He sent out Xue Yang to find him another, but it turns out Xue Yang wanted to keep it for himself and he hid."

"Xue Yang," repeated Lan Xichen thoughtfully. "This name... I think I know of him. Is he Xue Chengmei?"

"Mn," replied Lan Wangji quietly. "We stopped by a restaurant and also found out about Jin Guangshan's involvement. He has been meeting with a Wen Envoy in private, and we believe they are discussing plans of a war."

Lan Qiren suddenly looked extremely old and weathered, and when he moved his pale hand to pour himself more tea, it prickled at the movement. Wei Wuxian had never stopped to think how Lan Qiren was always prone to Qi Deviations, and the impact it had on his body. Like this, he seemed very frail and weak, as though he would crumble at just the touch of a finger.

Lan Xichen also looked resigned. "A War... I suppose it was inevitable. Ever since Wen Ruohan took over his father's place as Sect Leader, we had always had an inkling... We just never thought it would happen so soon."

He didn't comment on Jin Guangshan's involvement, which told Wei Wuxian that the news had already reached them. "We will win this war," he said firmly. "We have two shards of the Yin Iron, he has one. What can he do?"

"Wei Wuxian, don't tell me you're implying..." Lan Qiren began before taking a deep breath, as though pushing down blood threatening to spill out of his mouth.

"Of course, this doesn't mean we have to use them like Xue Chonghai did in the past. I just think that the less he has, the easier it will be for us three Major Sects to fight him," Wei Wuxian added quickly. "But... If it does come to it..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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