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*+* Sarashina pov *+* 

"The preparation took some time. I apologies." said Albedo, "You called ?" I asked as I hid my face behind my sleeve. 

"No. Your timing is perfect, Albedo, Sarashina." said Momo, "Thank you very much." thanked Albedo as I nodded, "And, what would you like me to do with these lower life forms ?" she asked us as we look down at the two girls. 

"For now, the ones wearing that armour are our enemy." he replied, "Understood." she replied, "It looks like you're injured. Drink this." he said giving a healing potion to the older girl. 

"I-i'll drink it ! But my little sister-" "Onee-chan ! No !" exclaimed the little one taking back her older sister hand, "Be quiet, Nemu !" said the older one, "But..." trailed off the little one, "Just be quiet already." "Please, don't !" 

"You lower life forms !" growled Albedo raising her axe, ""W-wait, don't rush things ! Lower your weapon !" ordered Momo panickingly, "Understood." she lowered it. 

"This is healing medicine. Drink it quickly." he told the older sister before she took it and drank. 

"No way." she mumbled, "The pain is gone, isn't it ?" he asked, "Y-yes." she nodded, "Do you know what magic is ?" he asked, "Y-yes. A pharmacist friend of mine sometimes comes to the village and uses magic." she replied, "I see, then this is easy to explain. I am a magic caster." he said and he then casted some spell. 

"Th-thank you very much for saving us !" thanked the older one, "Thank you very much !" followed the little one, "Don't worry about it." said Momo, "Wh-what is your name ?" asked the older one. 

"My name ?" he questioned, "You will do well to remember my name. I am... Ainz Ooal Gown !" he replied and I smirked behind my sleeve. 

'This is an interesting turn of events.' 


"Death Knight, that's enough." ordered Ainz and it stopped making all the people look up at us as we floated down. 

"Nice to meet you all. I am Ainz Ooal Gown. I'll have you all return alive and tell your superi... your owner of this ! Next time you cause trouble in this area, I will bring to death to your kingdom. Go ! And be sure to tell everyone my name !" he ordered the remaining knight who immediately ran away. 

"You... Who are you ?" asked one of the village people. 

"I saw this village being attacked and came to save you. You are safe now, be at ease." he said and  tuned out. 

"Albedo." I called, "Yes, Sarashina-sama." she repied, "I'm gonna walk around for a while. Tell Mo... no. Tell Ainz to call me if he needs me back." I said and walked away before she could stop me. 



I teleported in front of Ainz with a grin. 

"What happened ?" I asked, "Some knights is heading straight here." he replied curtly before signaling me to stand by his side with the village mayor and Albedo. 

The troop stopped and and one man came up, still on his horse. 

"I am the Chief Royal Warrior of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazeff Stronof. I have received orders from the King to hunt down the knights of the empire that have been wreaking havoc in this area by visiting all the villages." explained the man. 

"Royal Head Warrior..." repeated the chief shocked, "You must be the chief of this village. Who is the one standing beside you ?" asked Gazeff, "This is-" "Do not worry. Nice to meet you, Royal Head Warrior. I am Ainz Ooal Gown, a magic caster that came to help this village while it was being attacked." explained Ainz and Gazeff came off his horse. 

"Thank you for saving this village. Mere words cannot fully express my gratitude." thanked Gazeff, "Head Warrior !" called someone and Gazeff turned to the knight coming towards us. 

"Unknown figures have been spotted. They've surrounded the village and are approaching as I speak !" reported the knight. 

I totally tuned out what was happening as I felt something watching us. 

The next I know we were in front of multiple magic caster with Archangel Flame's, "Who are you ?" asked what seems to be their leader, "Nice to meet you, people of the Slane Theocracy. My name is Ainz Ooal Gown. Please call me Ainz." replied Ainz, "My name is Sarashina. Pleasure to meet you." I said as I smirked at them. 

"We have a bit of a relationship with that village." stated Ainz, "Have you come to beg for the lives of the villagers ?" asked mockingly the leader, "No, no. Actually... I overheard your conversation with the head warrior. You really have guts..." began Ainz as there were tension in the air. 

"You announced that you'd massacre the villagers that I bothered saving. I cannot imagine anything more offensive." said Ainz, "Offensive ?! Big words, magic caster. So, what will you do about it ?" asked the leader rudely. 

"Offer your life to me without resistance. If you do so, there will be no pain. However, if you refuse... you will die painfully and in despair for your foolishness" stated Ainz. 

"Have the angels attack !" ordered the leader making two flew over us and pierced their sword through Ainz, "How pathetic. This is what happens when you make stupid bluffs." the leader stopped, "Didn't I tell you ? 'Offer your life to me without resistance.' Don't you know it's important to listen to the warnings of others ?" said Ainz. 

"Impossible !" "It must be some kind of trick !" exclaimed the magic casters. 

"High Tiered Physical Nullification. It's a passive skill that completely nullifies the physical attacks of low-level weapons and monsters." explained Ainz before smashing down the archangel's. 

"So they really are Archangel Flames from Yggdrasil." he muttered before standing up, "I want to know why you all can use magic and summons from Yggdrasil... but I'll put that aside for now. It's my turn now. Here I come. 

This is a massacre !"

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