Part 63: The Prince's arrival

Start from the beginning

"I shouldn't stay here for too long. I also have some things to do this evening," I said. 

I chose these words very carefully, but hoped that they understood the overall message. 

'Even if you're my fiance and that's your lover, I won't bother you.'

These two were likely the very ones that would cause my death in the future, Ivy being the catalyst. 

The original Roselyn would have screeched at Ivy while Albert protected the poor heroine under his arm. 

But I would not be jealous, and instead back off quietly to let them enjoy whatever they had going on here. 

There may have been a time where I was a bit infatuated with his face and status, but I had morals too. 

Who in their right mind would pursue someone who was openly cheating on them?!

Realising I had just insulted the original villainess, I hurried out of there only too meet with a familiar face. 

It was only until now that I wanted to disappear into thin air, never to be seen again. 

It was obvious the male leads would rush to Ivy's side as soon as I popped up, why did I ever think I was safe from them and that this visit would remain a secret?!

They probably had people spread out everywhere, obviously they would know whenever someone as important as me left the dorms!

Being the Duke's daughter certainly had its benefits, but also disadvantages. 

I nodded as a greeting to Onii-sama, and quickly moved to the unoccupied side of the hallway to avoid him as I walked by. 

I was too much of a coward to want to face him right now, especially after meeting with Albert and Ivy. 

The male leads were really attacking this time, and these two were the only ones that I could do nothing about if they truly went all-out!

Oh why, just why, wasn't it Ellios, Aaron or even Andrew?!

A lot of my unease would be relieved if just one of them came instead.

There were 5 male leads in total, yet that exact  2 that I was scared of had to come!

Although 'scared' wasn't the right word. 

I was well aware of Albert's power and control over society, one that would be almost unstoppable once he ascended as the new king. 

And for Onii-sama, I couldn't bring myself to go against him because of our past relationship. 

Even if all that was over, he was still the person who I grew up with, admired and cherished. 

Despite knowing he was a male lead, I still clung to him as a spoiled child.

I felt a bit of regret knowing that I had dug my own grave the moment I started growing closer to him, like every other time this topic came up in my head. 

"Wait!", I heard him call behind me. 

My feet kept moving, before I realised that he was talking to me. 


I stopped and looked back. 

Why was he suddenly calling me like he had before, and not 'Miss Villinie'?

But my dumb pride would not let me call him the same way I had before and instead made more distance between us. 

"Is there something you need, Mr. Villinie?" 

Despite wanting to smack myself in the face, I still straightened myself up and forced a smile. 

His face looked hurt at the way I had addressed him, but that expression was quickly swept off as soon as it came. 

"You said you wanted to tell me something at the garden, right before the......accident." 

'What a pretty way to name Ivy's poisoning', I thought to myself. 

But should I tell him? Right here?

Who knew if Albert and Ivy were listening in as well, because this was going to be a long chat. 

I had lost all the former confidence I owned and did not want to face Onii-sama right now. 

"Oh, that. Maybe.....I'll tell you sometime.....later. Just not now." 

And when was this 'later'? 

Even I did not have an answer to that. 

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