Chapter 5

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Mono gets some downtime, and Levi takes the stage. (Idk lmao I suck at chapter summaries)

Apparently Mono had fallen asleep, since the last thing he remembered was Levi doing boring things. 

He had turned on those four flat screens which had made him freak out, just a bit. Levi had complained about him trying to turn the screens off, and that wasn’t really fair was it? He was just saving him from the trouble with those things. 

He had kinda, kindly been told to calm down. He hadn’t really appreciated the yell, but he listened to an extent. Enough to realize that the screens were different, and not just in looks. He begrudgingly left Levi’s screens alone once he realized there was a lack of pull from them. 

While he had sulked Levi had decided to start working on things. He didn’t look like he was having fun. He had started to get confused with certain things he mumbled. His face had looked funny. Eventually the quiet atmosphere and lack of loud voices had been what caused Mono to nap. 

Which would leave him very shocked a few hours later, but until then he’d be left with his hazy dreams that were honestly..a bit too similar to nightmares. 


(Levi’s POV) 

It’d be a total lie to say that Levi noticed when Mono dozed off, but he didn’t think much of it. The kid seemed exhausted, so when he dozed off there wasn’t a reason as to why Levi had to wake him up. So he took the unplanned nap with stride rushing through his latest class assignment. 

It was as boring as the rest of his classes he’d had so far, and that only made him want to play the new MMORPG he’d gotten recently. But on the off chance that he gave up to the urge of slacking off, he knew he’d regret it. He’d prefer if Mammon didn’t have a reason to tease him. It always just made him want to deck him in the face more. 

Levi sighed, already noticing how off topic his thoughts were starting to become. So he regretfully willed himself to think of his literature class. Boring details of his assigned book were usefully remembered as he struggled to write a non-biased report of it. The manga on his shelf was extremely tempting to read, but he carried on strong. When he finished about twenty minutes later, he wanted to rejoice. 

But the light snoring of Mono beside him let him think better of it. So he obviously rejoiced in his head instead. He excitedly pulled up his game, and was ready to log onto the server when there was an unfortunate red label on the screen that read ‘ Server currently down’. He barely saw the detail page, and instead flopped down on his desk. He found it frustrating that he couldn’t play, but soon calmed himself down. He really shouldn’t be getting mad at a server crash, especially when he had other games to unwind with. He quickly scanned the details page and found that he wouldn’t be able to play for a couple hours at minimum. He sighed as he got ready to open a different game file. He was on his way to relaxing before his next assignment, but he took a quick glance at Mono. 

And he was definitely unprepared to see him. He swore the kid had been in a slouching position almost being engulfed by the bean bag. They had moved in their sleep apparently, since Mono was now slowly slipping from the bean bag. Mono would definitely have a sore neck if Levi didn’t move him, and he’d have a sore head if he let him fall. 

Now, Levi had to think for a second on what to do. He could theoretically let him fall, but that wouldn’t be cool; he also didn’t think Mono would appreciate that. He could also pretend that he didn’t notice, which was also not that cool. The other option which was the best for himself morally was to carefully move the kid back. 

Mono still looked exhausted, and for the admittedly short time Levi had been paying attention he looked to be in deep sleep. He took that as a good sign, and started to slowly move his hands towards him. 

He’d just twist him around, that's all he’d do. He didn’t think it’d be a hard task, so he lightly gripped one of Mono’s shoulders, and his other hand held onto his torso. As he moved him they barely moved apart from a few twitches here and there. Having just moved them back to safety Levi moved back to his desk, but not before nabbing one of his manga off his shelves. He tried to get a good read in, but found his mind wandering back to Mono. 

He had been too light and was honestly pretty much skin and bones. That was enough for Levi to know that wherever the kid came from he'd probably not go back willingly. Luckily Diavolo wouldn't send someone back to a place like that. He was quite a caring heir to the throne. 

Looking at the clock Levi realized he had about ten more minutes before his next class. He sighed, and decided to think about Mono's situation later. He had a few more hours to get through before anyone would be back at the House of Lamention. 

He continued reading his manga, and was successfully distracted from his responsibilities. Not that he had many things to be responsible for. He's sure he's lucky in regards to that. Maybe double lucky actually, since the only thing new is the addition of a kid in his schedule. Said kid having been passed out for most of his classes so far. 

Levi clicked onto his class page, and listened into the lecture. He was listening to his potions teacher, and instead of really listening about mundane potion effects. He found himself wondering if Mono was usually this quiet. If he'd been shaken from the events that caused him to be here, then maybe he'd get chattier with him.

AN: Took a bit longer to update, I've been pretty busy with school. Also the next chapter may or may not pick up plot wise?? Idk it'll definitely have Mammon and Atlas though. Maybe some others too.

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