Chapter 2

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Mono woke up with a start when he felt someone’s hand on him. He flinched away from the hand and crawled further into his nest of blankets and pillows. In his rush to flee the hand he didn’t notice Mammon’s stunned expression, his hand staying still. Seeing as no hands were actively chasing him, he took a second to look at the source of the hand.

He quickly saw that the hand belonged to a person with white hair… that he rapidly remembered as Mammon. The events of the night before came back to him, and he felt... a bit foolish. He bashfully looked down as he made his way towards Mammon. He seemed to have taken that as a sign that he was alright. With one last concerned glance he took Mono’s hand before he could react.

Mono was tugged to the corner of the room where the other two from the night before stood. Once they were near the two his hand was released. Mono slightly lowered his head, his colder hand tugging at his coat. A frown tugged on his face where a slight small smile had been. He quickly tried to turn his face back to normal. He didn’t quite accomplish it, a slight pout marring his features. He had passed out in front of them he couldn’t quite believe he had done that.

Looking up to them he noticed the serious mood of the group. An uneasy pit grew in his stomach, and he couldn’t help but to anxiously tug at a worn thread of his trench coat. Atlas looked uncomfortable, and Mono tilted his head at the weird expression on their face.

“Mono we figured you’d appreciate food- yeah? ”

He nodded slightly holding his stomach now that food was mentioned.

He was really hungry...and the mention of food caused him to be aware of that once more.

Speaking of calm, these people were weirdly nice. No matter how nice they are though he was happy they didn’t bring up anything about him passing out. He wouldn’t really know how to deal with concerned people. He turned his attention to Atlas when they continued talking.

“Before we go though just so you know there’s other people who live here. They’re generally pretty nice people..” Atlas ended their sentence with a questionable look on their face,” They can just be really eccentric at times- yeah eccentric is a kid friendly word for what they can be sometimes!” Levi and Mammon looked to Atlas with differing amounts of agreement and exasperation.

Mammon interrupted Atlas, “ You know out of all of our brothers, I’d say the only person we have to worry about is Lucifer.” His expression took on a paler sheen, “ Not that knowing bout’ that really helps when it comes to Lucifer. … Wait now that I’m thinking about this- is Lucifer gonna be mad that we didn’t let him know about this situation?!” Mammon looked to Atlas and Levi who both seemed to think about what he said.

“ We really didn’t think about that huh… uh I don’t know Lucifer as well as you two do, but would he really be mad after we explain everything?” Atlas’s inquiring tone of voice caused the two demon brothers to think about it.

“ Well maybe eventually but Lucifer would be mad at first- though he’d possibly not punish us after hearing the details…” Levi paused before continuing, “But there hasn’t been a situation like this before, so It’s really blank territory. But the more we wait to tell Lucifer about Mono the more he’ll get mad, so we should really get to the dining room.” Levi’s anxious and  resigned face caused the other two to sigh and regretfully agree with him. They turned to Mono about to beckon him to follow when they noticed he was tense.

Mammon called out to him, “Oiii, you comin’ or not?” He waited for a response of any kind but when he didn’t get one he walked over to him.

Not that Mono could tell though. He could only focus on what they had been talking about.

That Lucifer person seemed scary to them so he could only wonder if he was a dangerous person. Mammon suddenly grabbing his hand broke him out of his thoughts. Mono looked up to Mammon who looked more impatient than concerned.

Mono's Adventure in Devildom! | Mono Centric Crossover! x Obey Me|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu