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His breath caught in his throat, stopping on its way up his insides and to his mouth, his eyes flew open, greeting the cold air, drying out at the sudden jolt, his body launched upwards incredibly fast, now sitting in an upright position, choking recklessly on his breath, throat burning as if there had been a lighter lowered down through his teeth, the flame pressed against red flesh as if burning rapidly through it, heart pumping visibly in his veins.

Awakening in a large nearly empty room, the sky outside a light shade of purple fading into a soft pink, the dawn sun rising in the sky slowly, peeking over the horizon. Cracked windows, representing the lives of people who had lived here before, were placed evenly around the room, a brisk breeze flowing into the room, the walls were a light brown, the faint pattern of detailed floral patterned wallpaper that had been stripped from the walls, leaving stains of flowers like ghost holding back the house. Dark brown and black ash painted one corner, coming to an abrupt stop along where ceiling met with wall. The room was much calmer than the panic screaming at the seams of his head.

His eyes wandered further, tracing over burnt furniture decorating the room, most items seeming to have been removed or burned to unidentified ruins, the wooden door across the open space creaked open, a dirty hand revealing, followed by the younger boy, his face looking more beat up then he had ever seen before, his shirt torn up, revealing infected wounds below the rips, Karl wincing at the painful sight, as if feeling the cuts on himself.

"What happened? Where are we?" He stuttered in a daze, voice coming out raspy, reigniting the burn in his throat, choking on the flame once again. He remained stationary in the corner he woke in, awaiting an explanation for why he was in the unknown house and why the boy was bloody, wanting to do nothing more then go and cup the hurt face in his hands and wipe away the pain, but his body failing to move, tripping over itself, sending him back into the corner.

"It's abandoned, was burnt down a few years ago," He patted the doorway, dust falling from the ceiling above him. "We had to leave your apartment, my dad's gang caught me stealing, they were not happy." he tossed a sealed pack of cigarettes along with a lighter and roll of cash tied with a rubber band onto the floor in front of him, a small grin appearing on his face as he examined the reward, dropping quickly as Karl's voice broke out.

"Are you serious?" The voice raised angrily and agitated, pushing past the rasp that lingered in his voice. "You said you quit." He gestured towards the items on the floor, rolling his eyes and raising them to meet with Sapnap's, who looked away quickly, not having a proper excuse as to why he had stolen them in the first place.

"I tried, it's hard." He faced down to the ground, shifting uncomfortably in his shoes, disappointed in himself, to which Karl stood up, forcing his muscles to regain strength, at least enough to support his weight, picking up the unopened pack and throwing it out of a window, getting them to go far out of view, falling down to the ground feet away. "What was that for?" Sapnap whined, putting his hands up like a child on the verge of throwing a tantrum, Karl turned around elbowing him in the chest, harder than he had intended to, causing a gust of air to escape Sapnaps lungs in a grunt.

He reached out, pulling Karls arm, swinging him around so he hit the ground with a loud thump, landing flat on his back, hair messing up in his face on impact, Karls weak body giving into the hard floor. Keeping his hand in contact with the other boy's hand, Karl pulled him down with him, missing his target of landing next to him, and pulling him down on top of him, their bodies pressing together forcefully. The boys began to let out small laughs, leading into a large fit of laughter, Karl laid under Sapnap, who was propped up on his wrists, his weight on his forearms, holding a strong position, hair falling forward, hanging inches from Karl's face.

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