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Chapter 14
All except Jai: aye aye captain
Jai:(They called Every1 for sleep over and their friends came about half an hour later. It was 8:00pm)
All were in Avu's room
Ri: let's play truth or dare
All: ok
Re: I'll bring the bottle(Re brought the bottle & Jan spinned it. It landed on Ri)
Jan: So Ri truth or dare
Ri: Dare
Avu: ok so your dare is to kiss the girl on her cheek on whom u love
Ri(didn't realize): that's it............wait what!!?
Sid: Dare is Dare
All except Sidyaz: Yep dare is dare
Ru: ugh fine but I hate u all
All except Ri: as if we love u😂
Ri: stop it yaar
All: fine😂
Jai: now do it Ri
Ri: hmm(he went towards Anu n kissed her cheek she blushed)
Jai: u
Re: love
Fainat: Anu?
Ri(blush): yes(he bent down in front if her)
Ri: Anu I know we met a few days ago but I feel like I know u from ages & I'm not at all good at proposing n all so I'll directly say that I love u Anu I love u very very much Will u be my girlfriend & if your answer is no then pls don't break our friendship
Anu(tears of happiness): yes Ri I would love to be your girlfriend & I love u too(they hugged each other n were disturbed by some fake coughs)
Jai: guys control u 2 can do this all later but for now let's continue the game
All except Jai n Rinushka: yep
They again spin the bottle n it landed on Faisu
Sid: truth or dare
Faisu: truth
Jan: I'll ask so before me did u had any gf or crush
Faisu: no u are my 1st love n last love
Avu: oh ho blushing
Re: now blushy cheeks stop blushing n let's play
They spin again n this time it landed on Avu
Re: truth or dare
Avu: I'll go for dare
Ri(smirk): now it's revenge time
Avu(puppy eyes): Ri my dearest brother like friend pls dont do this to me
Ri: puppy eyes won't work avu
Avu: Aree but bcoz of me only u got your Anu if I hadn't gave u the dare u wouldn't have confessed your love right?
Ri: u have a point toh ja maaf kia
Avu: yayy!! Tysm Ri u r my real bro
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