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Chapter 68
Ash: I'll answer all your questions but not now for now safety of everyone is important
She took something like a powder from her purse n made a circle of it around Shre while chanting some prayers. Sidneet were confused about what was happening. Shre was still sleeping as she is a sleepyhead like me(😂). Ash continued & then sprinkled some holy water in the room and the powder vanished.
Ash: let's go to my paranormal works house
Avi: okay lets go
They all then went to Ash's house. And went to the same room in which the had played Ouija board game
Ash: so now it might sound a bit crazy but it's true
Avi: what r u talking about?
Ash: the jail the cell in which David was kept there the walls had words written with blood. The words were like kill, dead, die, Power, devil, take, soul
Sid: what does it mean?
Ash: The police say the that David has committed suicide but it isn't the truth
Avi: then?
Ash: he gave his life to the devil and devil is return gave him power to help him take his revenge. All of the time he was in jail he kept practicing black magic and according to the things I saw there I think he knew black magic before itself he just improved it in the jail and made a deal with the devil of his & in exchange he got powers. Not only revenge but also he wants a body and soul, a soul that he can give to the devil and a body that he can possess & live in this world
Avi: but how you know about the attack that happened
Ash: I had a vision in the which David was making a deal with the devil and he had made a plan of killing your entire family. And the soul's of a child is pure and at the same time it's very easy to overpower. Shre is a child she has fears & our fears are the power  of the evil. As its super easy to kill her and take  her soul she was his first target. So it was easy to know that the attack would be on Shre
Sid(in disbelief): easy? You call it easy? Oh Good Lord this was so complicated
Avi: yes how do u even think that much
Ash: well I'm trained for that and plus I have lots of experience in this
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