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Chapter 42
She was mesmerized by the view in front of her. Swipe to see. Suddenly sm1 said.
Sm1: Hey Beautiful
Avu recognized the voice n looked at Sm1
Sid: yes Neet it's me
She jumped on him n hugged his neck tightly. He hugged her back.
Avu: u did this for me?
Sid: Nah!! For Dada
Avu hit his arm lightly sid chuckled.
Sid pulled away but not completely still his hands were on her waist n her hands wrapped around his neck. They both looked into each other's eyes.
Sid(looking in her eyes): yes I did it for u only for u
Avu: (blushed)
Sid(hold his ears): now will u pls forgive me I should have trusted u, I'm sorry
Avu(cupped his face): it's ok I forgive u
Sid(happy,like a kid): Yayyyyyy
Avu chuckled
Sid pulled away completely. He then pulled out a chair for her like a gentleman n avu sat. He then sat on the chair in front of her.
Sid: hungry?
Avu: not yet bcoz around 7pm I had a hugeeeeeeee pizza
She said extending her hands while saying hugeeeeeeee. Sid chuckled at her cuteness.
Sid: ok then dinner will be done on our next destination
Avu: next? Means now the surprise is still pending?
Sid: yes “MY GIRL” it's pending
Avu blushed hearing “MY GIRL”
They sat there talking for sometime then Sid told Avu it's time for next destination. They sat in Sid's car n went somewhere. After a few minutes Sid stopped the car.
Sid: here's the 2nd destination
He got out n opened the door for Avu. Avu came out
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