A knock on the door saved me from the attention I was giving to the negative opportunity's I was thinking about.

"C'min." I said slowly.

The doors opened but the person who came in wasn't Eminem, no, it was no other than Dr. Dre himself and another guy which I assumed was Paul Rosenberg. Both were unashamedly staring at me and eyed me up and down.

I felt a little disappointed as I walked towards the two men to greet them. "How may I help you?" I asked as polite as possible.

Before they actually answered my question they greeted me friendly and introduced themselves which I didn't get since I already knew who they were.

"We want to talk to you about Eminem." Paul said not looking as half as serious as Dr. Dre.

I looked at them curious "Okay?"

"We want to warn you about him." Dre continued.

"Warn me?" I questioned raising an eyebrow and feeling my confusion growing constantly. What the fuck are they talking about? Why would they want to warn me? I thought they were close to him? That didn't made sense at all.

"Your manager told us you do have a huge temper just like him. And we wanted you to know that he's not really himself at the moment. He's all stressed and because of that he's even easier to piss off. I've never seen him like this." Dr. Dre explained serious.

"And why do you guys would want to warn me about that? I don't know him one bit therefore I also don't know how he is when he's 'normal'." I wanted to know with an amused grin spreading on my face. I just couldn't take them serious even though I really should.

Paul sighed "You may know that Em is a really closed up person and he does not like to work with people he doesn't know and is even more stressed when he has to which made us wonder why he wanted to work with you just know. But since you're just as big in business as him we don't want him to ruin it with his behavior."

"Okay, first of all." I talked slowly trying to keep down a laughter "I'm not as big as him and secondly I still don't get why you guys are 'warning' me. I'm not gonna quit working with a legend like him just because he is not kissing my ass."

"We kinda knew you were tough." Dre answered laughing a bit "But damn, girl."

Shrugging I replied "That's just the way it is. I do not need people treating me like I'm some kind of goddess also I do can handle fights and insults and to be honest I never even expected him to be a true gentleman or the nicest person on earth." It was true I never thought he would be a person you get along with from the very beginning. As far as I knew he needed to get to know people before he trusted them and I fully understood that since I thought the same way.

Dre and Rosenberg stared at me speechless until I cleared my throat "I guess we're done?"

Their answer was reduced to a small nod and before they left the room saying their goodbyes and that it was a pleasure to meet me they informed me that Eminem was going to be there in a few minutes.

My nervousness was happily nearly gone as I waited for one of my favorite rappers to appear.

I was still confused by the fact that Dr. Dre and Paul Rosenberg visited me only to tell me that Eminem was a bit over-stressed at the moment and could cause trouble or something like that. I mean he was a human just like me. We weren't perfect and I thought that it was quite awesome that a legend like him also still had his up and downs.

Once again there was a knocking at the door and after I told the person to come in the door opened again.

But this time it was the person I was waiting for.

Eminem entered the room, closed the door behind him and stared at me with his piercing blue eyes.

"Hello." he mumbled still holding his insistent stare.

My heart pounded like crazy and all I answered was a small "Uh, hi." 


A/N: I hope you liked the second chapter of my first stroy and it wasn't too boring or so. The picture shows the best-looking man ever! (Damn, is he even human?)

Thanks for reading! And for the votes I got so far!


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