Mr Douchebag

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"Well if it isn't scar head, looks like you'll have another one on the other side now, such a shame that bludger didn't do any more damage" A girl with long blonde hair commented as she stepped towards the short Hufflepuff. 

Kirra didn't know any of the people in front of her, and she was certain that they weren't in her year, they were about a year or two older than her, and she was small enough as it was, and these people just seemed to tower over her

Kirra stayed silent and tried to walk past them but was shoved back roughly by a boy. She looked up from the ground and got a good look at them all, there were three boys and a girl. "woah woah woah, where do you think you're going? She was talking to you. Didn't mommy or daddy tell you that it was rude to ignore people when they talk to you" The boy that shoved her said with a smirk and the group of Slytherins laughed while the girl stayed quiet

"What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" another one of the boys said and this seemed to get the girls attention as she noticed the sinister smirk on his lips, "You know, now that I think of it, we came across a cat earlier on, it had a collar, what was its name? oh yeah, Whiskers" Kirra felt her heart drop to the bottom of her chest as she heard them mention her cats name.

She had been looking for Whiskers for the past hour and hadn't seen him since she left her dorm this morning. Were these people why?

"what did you do?" She said immediately and they only laughed in her face, clearly amused at the fact that this seemed to get a rise out of the girl

"Oh nothing much you filthy little blood traitor, just mucked around with him a bit," the last boy said "now it's time to teach you a lesson. It's a shame that whoever the heir is, is only going around looking for mudbloods, he should be going for blood traitors and half-bloods. Your dad was a pureblood and then the stupid fool decided to choose a mudblood mutt"

"Don't talk about my parents" the girl scowled angrily, her fists clenched in anger as she refrained from hitting them in the face then and there. She was sweet and caring, but she was known to have a particularly short temper, especially when it came to people messing with the people that she cared about

"What are you gonna do? Go home and cry to mommy?... that's gonna be a little difficult won't it? You know, since the stupid bitch is dea-" one of the boys asked but a second later a fist went straight into his face and the Slytherins all stared at the small girl in shock. His face was bleeding heavily and his look of amusement had turned to rage

"You're going to regret that blood traitor" he growled and wiped the blood away on his sleeve and then looked to his friends "Hold her down." her eyes widened in shock as she felt them grab onto her arms. The boy threw his fist hard into her face and her ears began to ring instantly.

"Is that all you got?" she asked and spat into his face, a mixture of blood and spit, coating his skin. Another fist went straight into her face and another and another, they let go of her and she collapsed to the ground with a large groan, everywhere ached. They all began to take turns kicking her, their laughter echoed down the empty hall.... well almost empty hall.

After Mattheo Riddle had walked away from the girl, he decided that he had to tell her, he had to tell her how he felt for her. How much she meant to him, how she gave him purpose. He started to walk back towards her, he walked through multiple empty halls and he was about to turn the last corner when he heard the laughter and the grunts of pain.

He turned the corner and his eyes momentarily widened in shock but then they went red in rage and he didn't even bother to pull out his wand as he stormed over to them. His hand gripped the shoulder of the largest boy and he ripped him around and then sent his fist flying straight into his face, knocking him to the ground, the others stopped and looked at the well-known Slytherin boy in shock and backed away with their hands raised in surrender.

Stay - Mattheo RiddleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt