Chapter 6: Auditioning

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Heyooo! So at this point I'll be getting them into entertainment, introduce them to new idols, add more characters, and all in all just get them out of the normal au and enter idol shit. I might put them into the sub units first and then put them all together later or I'll just settle with the easy route and put them all in the same group. Let's find out together shall we? Have fun reading🥰

Chapter 6: Auditioning

(Author's POV)

" Should we? I'm not really. . .sure we should. . .I mean yeah I'm good at dancing but I need to work on my singing." Hyunjin doubted himself all the time, that's what made Felix so agitated, Hyunjin could never accept the compliments or gifts Felix, Minho, Jisung and Changbin gave him. Felix was seriously worried about Hyunjin's self esteem, he always put himself down.

But one thing Felix noticed is that when Chan gave him compliments he just smiled sheepishly and complimented him back. Chan gave Felix hope that Hyunjin could be confident again, that maybe just maybe Hyunjin would start loving himself. ( Wait until he meets BTS)

" Angel you have an amazing voice, you're rapping is awesome and you are one of the best dancers I've ever met-" Felix huffed.

" But Minho Hyung is so much better!" Hyunjin cut off Felix, " I would never be as good as he is!"

" Have some confidence, Hyunjin!" Felix snapped, " You have your own talents! Be confident in them! That's what's holding you back!"

" I can't just magically gain confidence, Felix! Do you realize just how hard it was to get the confidence to just take a step outside? To talk to Changbin enough that i wasn't terrified! To not burst into tears every time I met new people?" Hyunjin snapped back, " Trust me, I wanna have confidence in myself! But that's just not how it works!"

Felix teared up, causing Hyunjin to stop. " I-I just want to he-help you!!" Felix cried, Hyunjin hugged the shorter boy.

" Felix. . . You are helping me." Hyunjin whispered, " I'm sorry for snapping like that." Hyunjin apologized, Felix shook his head as he clutched Hyunjin's shirt.

" N-No! I'm the one who snapped at you! I should be apologizing!" Felix argued, " I'm so-sorry!"

" It's okay." Hyunjin comforted Felix, who started to sob into Hyunjin's shirt.

" I'm a bad best friend. . . I didn't realize those things right away when i should've." Felix sniffled.

" Don't. Say. That. You are an amazing best friend, you don't need to be able to read all of my emotions, Lixie." Hyunjin retorted, " Nobody's perfect, and don't say I am because I'm far from perfect."

" Chan would disagree." Felix blurted causing Hyunjin to blush.

" Shut up." Hyunjin huffed as he hugged Felix tighter, Felix laughed a bit but started to cough. Hyunjin rubbed Felix's back to help his cough.

" Thanks Angel." Felix smiled, looking up at Hyunjin.

" No, thank you Kitty Cat." Hyunjin replied, kissing Felix on the forehead. Felix giggled, then looked at Hyunjin expectantly. " What?" Hyunjin asked, confused as to why Felix was giving him that look.

" Audition? Just this once! If you don't get in, you don't have to try again! I just don't wanna do it by myself." Felix said hastily, trying to convince the taller boy.

" I-I. . .I can- okay. . ." Hyunjin gave in, looking down at his feet.

" Yes! Oh my god, thank you so so much! I swear I won't ever ask of something like this of you again!" Felix promised, attacking Hyunjin with a big hug. Hyunjin hugged Felix back, the two completely oblivious to the sound of an opening door.

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