Change Is Gonna Come

Start from the beginning

"Hang in there Quinn.", I whispered to her, not ready to loose my best friend.

(Alex POV)

I was working on engine maintenance listening to classic rock. I was so deeply focused that I didn't even notice Avocato and Little Cato walk in.

"Alex!", Avocato called up. I perked up, turned off my music, and looked down at them.

"Want to join us for a snack break?", Avocato asked. I smile, tail wagging.

We sit in the galley as Little Cato and I munch on the plate of cookies in front of us. I look over at Avocato, who seemed to have something on his mind.

"Are you okay, Avocato?", I asked. That snapped him out of his thoughts and he smiled down at me, while ruffling my hair.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Quinn. She wasn't looking to great.", Avocato replied. I nodded in agreement.

"But I know you guys will find a way, you always do.", I said. He sighed and looked to the window.

"I hope so, kid.", Avocato said with a frown. I gave him a sad smile, whipped my face, and stood up.

"I better go check in at the bridge to see if the black hole messed with anything. Bye Avocato and Little Cato!", I called back to them while walking out the door.

I was on my back working on one of the control panels that got shorted out during the super charge when Hue spoke up. "Excuse me? Sheryl?", Hue asked.

"Yeah, Hue?", Sheryl replied. "Have you ever tried your very hardest, but it's just not good enough?", Hue asked.

His question caught my interest and I sit up to listen. "Ugh, story of my life, mate.", Sheryl answered.

Hue then asked, "How did you handle it?" "By going on benders and peeling my skivvies off for any man who gave me a second look. You know what I mean, don't ya?", Sheryl replied.

"What are benders?", I asked. Biskit, who is still working on his project.

He smiled at me, patted my head, and said, "You'll find out when your older." "That is unhelpful and sad.", Hue said to Sheryl.

"Oh, actually, it was big fun until it wasn't. The one thing that could've worked, I was too afraid of.", Sheryl said. "And that one thing was?", Hue asked.

"Asking for help.", Sheryl replied. "I've never asked for help before. I don't even think I know how.", Hue admitted.

"Uh, you're barking up the wrong tree for that, Doggo. Ask someone who's actually done it.", Sheryl stated. "Hmm... Ruminating, considering...", Hue said to himself.

I look down at my wrist guards thinking about when I was sick. I don't remember much about what happened to me.

All I remembered was passing out one day and waking up in my bed two days later with my wrist guards on. Kevin warned me not to take them off or I would get sick again.

If he helped me, maybe he could help Quinn. Then, everyone would be happy again.

"You could call Kevin Van Newton? He really smart, so he could help.", I suggested. After some consideration, Hue accepts.

So, I go to a control panel and call him. "Wait! What the-", Kevin said, before I cut him off.

"Hey Kevin! It's me!", I greeted with a smile and a tail wag. He smiles when he sees me.

Various! Final Space Series x Princess! Alien! Oc InsertWhere stories live. Discover now