"Yeah, Fredrick. Why are you calling us lovebirds?" Said the familiar voice of Lee. "Fricken weirdo."

George smiled slightly. "Calm down, Jordan." He stated, looking at his brothers.

"Hey mum? I'm going to take George, y/n, and Lee around the place. We'll be back in about a half an hour." Fred called over his shoulder.

Molly opened her mouth to protest, but Arthur put his hand over it, "Alright have fun. Dont get into trouble."

Fred smiled and waved before he turned on his heels. "Right so. Me and George found this path that can take us to hogsmeade. Anyone up for it?"

George and Lee shrugged before they looked at me. "I-um.... alright."

It had been far more than thirty minutes by the time that Fred had decided we should head back. It was his brilliant idea to sneak into the Hogs Head.

Lee insisted that we have a round of firewhiskey due to our successful plan of getting to the other region that they were not allowed to be in.

"I take it you don't take alcohol well?" Lee said as he looked at my state. I smiled and slung my arms around him. 

"Not one bit." I giggled.

Fred and George looked at one another and smirked at Lee, he rolled his eyes and waved them off. "Do you think you can walk or-"

"Carry me, magic man." I ordered. Fred tried to contain his laughter as Lee's eyes widened. 

"Um... okay. Let me know if you want me to put you down." He replied and lifted me up into his arms. "How many shots did George give you?"

"Seven... eight? I think nine. Yeah. Nine." I responded.

Lee's head snapped toward George. "Dude-"

George lifted his arms in defense. "I said she probably couldn't take three and she wanted to prove me wrong."

"Thats three, not nine."

Fred shook his head. "It doesn't matter. She'll be fine. The worst that will happen will be that she gets a migraine and a hangover tomorrow."

Lee sighed and held me closer to his chest as he walked.

More footsteps approached as we made it back to Diagon Alley. "There you are!" Molly yelled out.

"We've been worried sick!" Arthur joined in.

"You all left us to deal with mum and dad while they're anxious." Ron stated.

Ginny crossed her arms with disdain. Percy rolled his eyes. "Whats wrong with y/n, why are you carrying her?" Percy asked. 

Professor Snape walked slowly past the weasleys and approached Lee. "Shes intoxicated, isn't she?" Lee nodded with shame.  The potions master let out a sigh. "How much did she drink?"

"9 shots of firewhiskey. Counted myself." Fred chimed in, proud that he could remember.

Severus snapped his gaze to Fred. "And are you responsible for why she is in this matter?"

"Kinda. It was George who gave them to her." Fred responded.

"Of course it is. Whatever. Give her here. I'll take her home." Severus ordered, extending his arms as Lee gently placed me in them.

"She will be alright, won't she?"

"Yes. Mr. Jordan. I suggest that you go home before you get into more trouble than you already are."

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