Chapter 20: Guns, lots of guns

Start from the beginning

"We're eating his food now?" Rick asked looking at michonne.

"The mat said welcome." Michonne says as abby let out a small laugh.

"Be safe." Abby says hugging michonne. Her and carl were gonna head down and grab a crib for judith. Abby was gonna stay back with rick.

"We will." Michonne says before they headed off. Carl and abby fisted bumped before they left.

"Didn't wanna go with?" Rick asked her as she looked around.

"Eh. They need to get along." She says as rick chuckle a little.

"You wanna go on a mission for me?" Rick asked making her smile.

"Depends, what's in it for me?" Abby ask crossing her arms.

Rick doesn't say anything and looks around. His eyes soon fell on a bow. It had a book bag connected to it and it held the arrows, the bow, and another weapon. You could also detach it so you could use them separately. The bow was dark chocolate brown and the arrows were also brown with purple feather ends.

"How about this?" He says grabbing it. There was at least 50 or so arrows in the bag. Abbys eyes widened in awe. The bow was quite big but her bow now was getting a little bit small for her.

"Deal!" She says taking of her old bow and arrows

"You must stay in the town but try and look for any medicine." Rick says handing her the bow. She quickly put it on and slid her machete in the back.

"Ok, Anything in particular?" She ask tightening the straps.

"Anything that seems useful." He says patting her shoulder.

"Ok! I'll be back!" She says with a smile.

"Be careful! Yell if you need anything." Rick says as she starts to make her way out. The town wasn't very big nor was there many walker. It didn't take her long to find the pharmacy. To her surprise it was locked.

"Great." She says looking around for something to break the glass. Her eyes landed on a rock that was kind of big.

"Here goes nothing." She says before throwing the rock into the little window on the door. She waited a second for walkers and there was nothing. She tapped the remaining glass with her knife so she could open the door. The bell rang as she walked through the door.

"At least it doesn't smell like shit." She says looking around.

She grabbed bottles of medicine she knew they'd probably need. She also grabbed some baby stuff for judith. Once she grabbed stuff in the isles she headed to the back. She grabbed her flashlight and held it up with her knife. She slowly hummed a song as she walked through the back.

Once she checked that everything was clear she started grabbing the stronger and more important medication. Abby missed going on solo runs. Michonne didn't let her do anything she wasn't ready for which was nice. Mainly she went hunting or would check out some houses by herself, nothing to extreme.

She continued to look around just in case before heading out the store. As she started to walk back her eyes fell on a boutique. She stopped and looked inside. They had a lot of cute clothes.

"Ooo!" Abby says walking to the door.

She pounds on the door three times and waits. Two walkers appeared from the back. She smiled and quickly took them out with her knife. Once that was done she started looking around. She grabbed some new tops, some more jeans, and some socks. Her eyes soon fell on the jewelry/accessories.

She slowly walked over and looked at everything. Her eyes fell on a cute little choker necklace. It was had small black beads with small purple crystals very inch and in the middle was a silver Crescent moon charm. Her eyes widened and picked it up. She quickly ran to the closet mirror and put it on. It sat in the middle/low part of her neck. She smiled at herself in the mirror.

Her G necklace hung on her neck matching her new necklace. She quickly went back and grabbed the matching bracelet that had a sun on it for michonne. She knew that michonne would love it. She looked around for anything else before heading out of the store. Once she got back michonne and carl were also back.

"Hey." Rick says as they all meet back up. He had bags full of guns, ammo, and much more.

"I was just about to look for y'all." He says as abby grabs a bag from him.

"Sorry." Carl says as him and michonne were carrying the crib.

"It's alright you're here now. You got anything?" He ask looking at abby.

"Yeah, went shopping too." She says pointing at her now very full book bag. He smiled at her as carl looked at ricks shoulder.

"It's nothing." He says brushing it off. Michonne also grabs one of the bags before they start walking again. Morgan stood fixing some of his traps and grabbing all the dead walkers.

"He's okay?" Michonne ask as they walk by.

"No, He's not." Rick says making abby look at morgan. Abby could tell he was a sad person.

"Hey, morgan!" Carl's says making her stop.

"I had to shoot you, you know I had to right?" Carl asked him as abby watched closely. Morgan nodded at carl making sure he understood.

"I'm sorry." Morgan didn't say anything as they started to walk away.

"Hey son, Dont ever be sorry." Morgan says making carl nod. Abby sent morgan a small smile before they started walking again. Once they got to the car they loaded up.

"I got you something." Abby says to michonne.

"What?" Michonne ask putting her hand on her hip. Abby smiled and pulled out the bracelet.

"Matches my necklace!" She says as michonne smiled and grabbed it.

"I love it." Michonne says pulling her into a hug.

"Put it on me?" She ask holding it out.

Abby nods and puts the bracelet on for michonne. Michonne smiled and pulled her into another hug. She loved her best friend more than anything in the world. They pulled away and continued to load up the car. Once they were done abby jumped in the back seat.

"You forgot something." Rick says holding out a box for her.

"THE FRUIT ROLL UPS!" She says as he throws them in the back seat.

She stared at the box in awe as he chuckled slightly. The car ride like before was quiet but it was a comfortable quiet. As they drove they saw the man before but now he was ripped to pieces. Michonne stopped and carl grabbed the mans bag before heading home.

Cuts and Burns//C.GWhere stories live. Discover now