Chapter Ten

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"Spencer!" Lassiter yelled. "What the hell was that? You just let them make us lose contact? And what did you do, quit?"

"Lassie, relax," Shawn put an arm on his shoulder jokingly, as he usually would. "They told me that it was interfering with the signal for their computer. And that I should have read the rules and procedures before coming. Certain detectives didn't tell me that. That's why I'm leaving, he told me to take the night off and go over them."

He couldn't tell them that Lenny had a gun and that was the real reason he's handed over the bugs. He didn't know what the detectives would do in the situation, but he was doing everything he could to make sure his body didn't turn into Swiss cheese.

"Oh," Lassiter awkwardly cleared his throat. "Well, did you notice anything?"

"Any visions?" Juliet came out of the van and waved. Shawn waved back and smiled.

"Sorry, I got nothing," Shawn replied. "To be honest, I don't think anything is going on. You heard me earlier, I dropped a pretty big line. And I got zilch. They probably aren't dealing with anything illegal. Must have been whoever stole the car the first time. Though I think I'm going to keep the job, not as part of the investigation, but because Gus won't pay my rent and I need the money."

"Alright, good work, case closed," Juliet nodded as she and Lassiter turned back to wave the surveillance van away. As Shawn watched them get into Lassiter's new car, he sighed. It was pretty hard to keep up the act for everyone. It didn't help that his arm still ached. At least he didn't have to pretend in front of Rollins and Lenny, but he felt weak with them. He hated feeling helpless, but he didn't know if he could ever go against them. He ruled out telling anybody, which would mean he'd have to take them out on his own, but he couldn't. If he took out one, the other would know, and he'd actually have to succeed. His chances were slim if it were his fists agains guns and knives. That's when he officially gave up.

As soon as the police were gone, and he was far enough out that they thought he had gone home, Shawn turned right back around and went to the dealership. He knew it wasn't over, they weren't just going to let him off with keeping the job and not saying anything. Not when they had so much leverage.

He walked through the doors and his breath hitched. As soon as he walked in, a familiar cold feeling came to the right side of his head. He put his hands up.

"Hey, I got rid of them," Shawn sighed. "No bugs this time. What else do you want me to do?"

"Well, we have reason to believe that someone is going to be in the hopsital pretty soon," Lenny grinned and Shawn knew that it would be their doing. "You're going to sneak around for us, grab some of the good stuff in the back room."

"Wait, so who's going to be in the hospital?" Shawn asked in confusion. "I think I'll need to know if I claim there's a case or something so I'll have an excuse to be in there. Right?"

"Alright, you ask too many questions," Lenny replied. "All you need to know for now is that. Nothing more. When it gets closer, I'll let you know. Probably tomorrow night."

Shawn nodded. He looked around and saw Sam casually flipping through some papers on the unrestricted desk. He seemed to already know the entire plan and didn't bother listening. Shawn still knew they were leaving something out, but he didn't exactly have a way to find out what. He began to relax a little. It was clear that Lenny didn't intend to use the gun, or any other weapon for that matter, at that particular meeting. It was just an incentive for him to not try to fight back or run to tell someone.

"Now you should head home," Lenny shoved him toward the doors. "I 'sense' you'll need a lot of your energy pretty soon."

Shawn seemed to be spending a lot of his time at home lately, mostly sleeping, but it wasn't like he could do much more. They were right, he needed his energy, especially to keep up the "happy" front for his friends and coworkers. It wasn't like he had anything else to do, his amount of cases had lowered. Probably the Chief trying to give him a break after the experience he'd recently had, even though he'd gotten what would normally be a long enough break in the hospital. The only other option was hanging out with Gus, but his best friend would be bound to notice something wrong with him after spending hours on end together. So he opted for "faking" that he was still recovering. That was another half-truth among others in his life. He might still be affected, but he wasn't actually getting better. Not when it was still happening.

He walked outside and started the journey back to where he lived. The only things he couldn't get off his mind were the guns. They had been shoved in his face and to the side of his head for the past week a whole lot more than he was comfortable with. Although he felt like it would be less traumatizing if he hadn't started it off with actually being shot. Shawn had come to recognize the sound of one cocking immediately, and he was always eyeing any lumps and bulges in people's pockets, even if he knew it was probably just a wallet or a phone. He was especially jumpy in the police station, where people had guns everywhere, although it was common knowledge the police trusted him and wouldn't shoot anybody innocent.

And so he worried. They might know him, but what if someone found out that he was a criminal? It's not like they'd automatically assume he was being forced to. Then they'd pull a gun and into the interrogation room he'd go, where Shawn couldn't say anything or else an innocent would die. Though that would probably happen anyway since Rollins would hate him for getting caught.

His only hope was that nobody would find out. He knew everything about the crimes, and so he'd know what to direct them to so it didn't point to him. But Shawn knew he'd feel guilty if he had to blame it on somebody else. So maybe he could make sure the cases were unsolved, nobody finding out it was him and not accusing somebody else.

This was all he thought about as he trudged home in his tired and hopeless state.

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