Cruel Message: 2

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"Dotted Ceiling"

7 months later 

Kuroko pov

I sat in my dark room staring at Akashi as he and another idol, Kise Ryouta sang on stage. I could be in Kise's place right now, I could go back to the studio and get back into being an idol. Besides, me and Akashi, our voices when singing went better together then him and Kise. Sighing I turn the TV off flopping on my bed. I stare at my bland ceiling, it was gray and had paint bumps on it. The sight of it reminded me of the gray cement graves that showed where my parents were hidden. 

Today was Saturday in other words the only day I wasn't working at a fast food store. yeah, I went from being a popular idol to doing shifts at a fast food restaurant. At least the place had good vanilla shakes. Sometimes Akashi would go there just to check up on me seeing how I was doing but with the cherry blossoms beginning to bloom and more tourists coming from all around the world Akashi had gotten a lot more busy with work. I on the other hand was left behind every now and then watching a concert that Akashi and Kise put on for huge crowds of people.

For no reason in particular I begin to let water build up at the corner of my eyes a single tear dripping down the side of my face. I don't bother wiping it away knowing more would be on their way. It was something that happened regularly, a tear would be followed my an army of them. No matter how many I tried to fight off they would appear out of thin air dripping down my face. Sometimes they'd be followed by small sobs but most of the time everything else was silent.

There was no denying the fact that I had fallen into a depression. It was like a looming over me like a tiger ready to pounce. I roll over facing the door to my room debating weather or not I wanted to get up and leave the house, it was a nice day and with the cherry blossoms starting their season blooming it would be quite pretty. I then think of all the people that would also be outside and shove a pillow into my face. No, I'm not going. 


The rest of the day was spent laying in bed. Sometimes I would turn the computer on or the tv to see if anything sparked my interest but nothing did. The days were becoming more and more bland and boring. I head to YouTube searching up the channel name, AKAKURO-IDOL. It was videos of me and Akashi singing and dancing along with some of our concerts. Momoi had helped us set it up when me and Akashi were in middle school. That's when the two of us had first become idols. I click on the last video that was posted. It was me and Akashi attempting to do a new dance routine. It had been posted just a few months before my parents died. The music in the background was an upbeat tune hearing the joyful tune made me want to puke. I shut my computer off the song ending mid-word. I lay still until eventually sleep kicked in sending me off on a wild ride of even more gloom. 



"Yes? Who are you?"

" you not remember me?"


"Well then let me tell you who I am."

"Wait! Stop it"

"I'm Akashi, Akashi Seijuro."

"No you aren't. Akashi wouldn't look like that."


Akashi pov

I pulled a drunk Kise behind me shoving him into the backseat of my car roughly shutting the door behind him. Grumbling I get in the drivers seat starting the engine and beginning to drive back to Kise's house where I would drop off the drunken idol. 

Somehow I had let him talk me into going to a bar. He of course got drunk while I just peacefully drank water knowing that I would be the one driving the blonde idiot home. And now here I was as expected, driving Kise to his house. Since there was no conversation to be had I let myself get lost in thought. 

My thoughts drifted to my former idol partner, Kuroko. It had already been 7 months meaning that if he stayed true to his word he would be back in about five months. I dropped Kise off at his house making sure he was tucked into bed before leaving and making my way to my own house. It was already really late and I was worn out. 

I stepped into my house locking the door and heading to my room getting ready for bed. I lay down on the bed looking at the ceiling. The gray paint was littered with little bumps from the paint. I smile at them, sometimes if I looked close enough at the dots they would form smiley faces at me which in turn would make me smile. 

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