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A/N- so on the format- it get all squished when i post it? sorry again. reminder bc when i read these i always forget! satoko is the bold and mina is normal!

Did you see scott pilgirm is getting a sequel?





ITD AN ADDICTISKFNMAMF (Berry liked a message)

are you sure about the sequel??

Yeah I saw a sign at the movies!

Oh no... bestie I have bad news...

its not a sequel its just showing in the theatres rn 😔😔

I'm going to go hide under a rock. I am so embarrassed. Please do not look for me.



stop cryinf its ok



I'm moving my minecraft bed


we dont even play minecraft together where did that come from

Maybe I want to play with you


let's do it rn!!!!!




I added you

do u want to maybe get in a call? maybe? maaaybeeeee??

One second, please

I stare at the screen, taking a deep breath. I don't know why but the thought of actually talking to Mina makes me nervous. We've been texting for a while- about three weeks- but hearing her voice... What if she was younger or older than she said? What if she was actually some old guy? What if she doesn't like my voice?

Why am I overthinking this? It's just Mina, one of my only friends. She's really nice, and sweet, and I think she likes being friends! Yeah! I'm going to call her!

I've always been taught that I need to check my apperance before doing anything, and muscle memory doesn't fail me as I take another deep breath and stand up, opening ym closet to look into the mirror hidden there. My hair, which is a light pinky-purple color, was simply down and striagth as always, reaching just below my shoulders. My outfit was casual- some sweats and a little sweater. I would change it, but it's just a voicecall. If she tries to facetime me, I'll... freak out, I guess.

I look into my eyes and frown. They were switching from grey to black to white like they only do when I'm anxious. I need to chill out. It's just Mina. Why am I so nervous? It's not like she's a boy or Kaminari. She makes me more nervous than he does.

I press the phone icon as fast as I can and squeeze my eyes shut, holding the phone to my ear.

Mina picks up immediately. "Hiiii! I wasn't sure you'd agree! It's me, Mina! Surprised? How's my voice?"

"H-hey." I giggle awkwardly. "Your voice is cute. Sorry."

"Awww, Berry! You're so sweet! What are you apologizing for? Calling my voice cute? Yours is cute too."

There's a pause as I think of what to say.

"It's weird to be called Berry and like, hear it."

"You could always tell me your name!" Mina says, clearly trying to be sneaky.

"It's still a secret."

"Aw, boo. Alright, cutie. Let's do this! Colon three!"

I feel myself blush and catch and glance of myself in my mirror again. My eyes are my color, the one only I can see. I'm told it looks clear to everyone else, but to me, it means I'm happy. Maybe a little embarrassed. I don't even know what's happening in my head right now, or why I have butterflies. Maybe it was that sandwich I ate earlier. I knew it seemed weird.

I was about to ask what "colon three" meant, but realize what it is and giggle.

"Yeah! I have to warn you, though, I haven't played in forever."

"It's okay! I'll carry us!" She giggled and I smiled. Mina's laugh was adorable.

I turn on my switch and see Mina's avatar, who for whatever reason, is pink. It's cute. Pink is my favorite color. I tell Mina this. It makes her laugh again.

"You're going to love me, then."

"L-love you?! What do you mean?"

"Okay, calm down, honey. Your bottom is showing. I just meant... actually, never mind. I'll tell you what I look like when you tell me!"

"MINA! STOP! And... I don't mind. I have purple hair. My eyes change color."

"Wait, really?" She says, excited. "Wanna facetime?"

I'm quiet. I do, but don't.

"Never mind. I have pink hair! Pink and purple! We'd be perfect together!'

I make a weird noise and drop my phone, Mina laughing at her joke.

"Oh! I haven't told you, but remember that boy I was telling you about?"

"Cafe boy? You-" She gasps. "You like him!" Minecraft Mina hits me into a our campfire and I die. I groan and she apologizes, saying she got excited.

"I don't blame you. He's really sweet!"

"Ask him out then! I don't know him but he sounds great!"

"Maybe. Can you please stop picking the flowers?"

"They're for you!" The blocky pink avatar throws a bunch of flowers at me and I giggle, thanking her.

A/N: upvote and comment! This is still a mina fic even if she gets with kaminari, trust me and keep reading you won't be disappointed.

i got a commission of satoko done and im going to post it eventually with her facts sheet

aha i swear something interesting will happen in a few chapters

Wrong Number!『Mina Ashido 』(Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora