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A/N~ Ty @PIX13_ and @RRYU_TANAKA978 for the support, it means a lot to me <3

If the rest of you haven't upvoted, please do! I'm also trying to make the chapters longer haha

This chapter features the one and only Elizabeth the third

Unknown number:


Buttholes are like pockets

Yk you can store stuff up there and like keep it safe


Do not do that

Well that's one way to make a lasting first impression

It's not this is kaminari

Also that was not meant to go to you ignore it

Oh hi

I open my contacts app and put in his number, labeling it "Denki Kaminari." He'd texted later that day- it was almost nine. I had been sitting on my bed reading manga, waiting for him to call. He hadn't, but I don't mind. Texting is easier. My cat was laying curled up next to me, purring like a motor as I scratched the top of her head.

Hi haha

Can I have a pic of you

Wait go back

How did you come up with 'butt holes are like pockets'

It just crossed my mind, dw about it shawty

You were joking though right

Mostly ;)

So can you send a pic


For your pfp !

Not to show me off?


The bois don't believe that I got a girl's number :,)

They all have a hard time picking up chicks

Unlike me ;)

Did you tell them you used a pick-up line? Maybe they could try that


I need proof tho

Oh yeah

Is it okay if I say no to sending a picture?

Yeah ofc

You don't hafta

The bois will just have to accept it 🙄

I tuck my hair behind my ear and rub my cat's fluffy belly. Miruku did not appreciate that and jumped up, starting to pace away. I had an idea and lifted my phone to quickly snap a picture.

Have a picture of my cat instead

I think your cat is on the way to knock things off of shelves

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I think your cat is on the way to knock things off of shelves

She probably is smh

Satoko jr is almost as cute as you

Satoko jr is definitely cuter

I don't believe it 😤

Tell me her name is really Satoko jr

I can't :(

It's Miruku

You named your white cat m i l k

Yes I did and I've never regretted it

Lmao ok

I'm gonna go smash

Ha ha

Smash bros

These bitches gay... good for them


Ik I'm just messing with you


See ya

Seen 9:37

I unplug my phone and stand up, wobbling as the blood rushes to my head. I wander into the living room and my parents turn to look at me, my dad smiling. The TV was blaring, and my parents were sitting on the couch they've had since I was a baby.

"You shouldn't still be up. You have-"

"I know, Mom." "I'm going to bed, I just wanted water."

Grabbing a glass, I fill it with more ice than water, then walk back to my room, almost tripping over that cat. "I get that you don't like getting your belly pet." I say to her, "But it's so fluffy, I can't help it. I know you sat here on purpose to get revenge, but it's not going to work this time, Miruku."

Miruku stared up at her, her white tail swishing back and forth. I step around her and back into my room.

Mina's ringtone buzzed and I opened our chat. My screen time has never been so high. I hate social media, and hadn't had friends texting me before. Mina has taken to sending messages randomly, seemingly checking to see if I'll reply. I always do, and I never get why she's so surprised. Sometimes I even text her first, which really throws her for a loop. It's probably because I was so cold at first- but I warmed up fast, and I'm glad I did. Mina is great.

i like ur face

You've never seen it ?

i've seen it in my dreams 🥺



so mean 😫

Everyone is simping today

ur amazing ofc they are

wait r u telling me i have competition

Do you want something? You're being very nice today

just ur heart bbg :(


💅 😌

so who else is simping?

This guy I met at a cafe

He used a pick up line so I gave him my number

omg i love pick up lines my friends are obsessed rn what was it

I lost my number. Can I have yours?

Finger guns and all


i bet he was cute

He was cute!

not as cute as me i bet

so do u like him?

He was funny


I met him a few hours ago, Mina!

ohhh i get it you don't catch feelings that easily


(That's bullshit. I definitely do. I don't know why I lied to her.)

I'm really tired. I'll text tommorow!

i know its going to be a great day when berry texts first😩 😩

night night! ill be up for a while probably playing smash bros so text whenever!


I plug in my phone and stad to turn off the lights, flopping back onto my bed. For once I actually did sleep well, only waking when Miruku stepped on my stomach.

Wrong Number!『Mina Ashido 』(Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें