Spring & Storm

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Now that the boys could see the girls sort of clearly, they could distinguish what they looked like. One of them had warm, brown skin. She had scruffy, light blue hair that went down to her shoulders, & her eyes were a light pink. She wore a yellow dress with a flower symbol on it, & her shoes were brown, similar to the color of dirt.

The other had pale brown skin. Her hair was curly, & it was a blue-ish gray color. It was kept up in a ponytail by a blue flower. Her eyes were a light blue, & she wore a dark blue dress with a stormcloud symbol on it. Her shoes were a dark gray, but she was standing upon a little cloud that covered up her feet.

"So, uh..." Ross said. "You two have, um, noticed the rain, right?"
"We have!" the one in the yellow dress grinned.
"It's early January. Rain doesn't happen in early January." Joe groaned, rolling his eyes.
"..interesting." the girl in the blue dressed murmured.
"&-" Andrew started, but the girl in the blue dressed interrupted him.
"& let me guess. You're going to ask us who caused the rain in the first place, & then you're going to beat them senseless. Am I right?"

The boys stared at each other.

"Well, we weren't planning on fighting th-"
"No- no, no! We're not beating anyone senseless, Joe!"
"Well, why shouldn't we?" the red-tied boy questioned. "We've got powers. We're magical, - I've accepted that fact - so we might as well."
"We're not-"
"Hold on a minute. Did you just say you have powers?"
"That'd explain the stupid get-up then."
"Don't be mean, Storm!" the girl in the yellow dress reached her hand out to the boys for a handshake.

"I'm Spring, & this-" she pointed to the girl on the stormcloud. "-is my sister, Storm! We're Celestials!"
"You're really just gonna tell these STRANGERS we're not from this planet?! Right off the bat, Spring?! Really?" the girl on the stormcloud (whose name is Storm) groaned as the stormcloud she stood upon turned a darker shade of gray.
"But they're magical!" Spring pleaded. "Look at the colors of their ties & skirts! It's the same colors as that book Miss Fate & Miss Betty made us send down here!"
"Oh, you're... right."
"Wait, I'm... a little confused here." Rob said, as he was shaking Spring's hand. "What's a-"
"Wait! You gotta introduce yaself first!"
"It's only customary, after all."

Rob sighed. "Alright. I'm Rob." he said, gesturing to himself.

"The name's Joe." Joe groaned.
"I'm Ross!" Ross grinned.
"My name's Andrew." Andrew waved.
"& I'm Zubin!" Zubin smiled.
"& together, we 5 make: TALLY HALL! The best band in existence!"
"We haven't released any songs yet, Ross."
"So? We're still a band!"
"...great to know." Storm rolled her eyes.
"Nice to meet you all! Now, you can continue to ask your questions!" Spring said, smiling.

"Ok! Uh, first off: what's a Celestial?"
"Oh! Celestials! The Celestials are a group of powerful deities who basically kinda control stuff here on Earth! At least, that's how Mx. Time explained it to us, anyway."
"Ah. That... makes a lot of sense, actually."
"Oh, uh, you mentioned a book, right?" Rob asked.
"Yup! It's got a leather cover, & it's all colored yellow, red, gray, green, & blue!"
"I think I have the exact book you're describing-"
"YOU DO?!" Spring gasped.
"Yea, but it's at my dorm room. We'll have to head to the dorm building if you guys wanna see it-"
"Hey! We still don't know who caused the rainstorm!"
"..that was me." Storm said.
"Her name's Storm, what else would you expect?"
"I dunno. You've got a point."
"Well, it was nice meetin' you two," Joe yawned, stretching. "but if you could please just... turn the rain off? That'd be fantastic."

The two girls glanced at each other. It seemed like they were getting an idea. Then, they looked back at the boys as Storm said, "Alright. But only if you do a favor for us." she said.

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