Banana Mayhem

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Ross sat at the couch, all wrapped up in cozy blankets and eating some ramen Rob had thrown into the microwave. The TV was on, but only for background noise so that the room wasn't too silent. Rob was also sitting at the couch, but with a lack of blankets and ramen. That argument with Joe earlier had really done a number on Ross's mood, and his relationship with Joe as well.

"Are you doing better now, bud?" Rob asked. "I guess..." Ross sighed, finishing up the last of his ramen. "I kinda feel bad about the whole situation, though.. I know it wasn't my fault, but I feel like I should go apologize to Joe anyway." "If anything, Joe should be apologizing to you, but if you want to apologize, then go ahead."

Gently pushing the blankets off of him, Ross stood up and started walking toward the kitchen. "If we're going to apologize, then we might as well come with some cupcakes!" Ross said, grabbing some cooking materials such as a mixing bowl, a whisk, and some chocolate cupcake mix. They didn't have time to bake these from scratch, since Rob had his second class soon. "Rob, could you preheat the oven for me please?" Ross asked politely.

Rob entered the kitchen and preheated the oven for Ross. The baking had begun! Ross grabbed some measuring cups and started filling them up with the correct amount of water and vegetable oil while Rob grabbed a couple of eggs to put into the mix. Then, after everything was in the mix, Ross started whisking it all together, humming a tune. As soon as it was mixed thoroughly, Ross asked Rob to grab a cupcake tray for him. Rob did so, opening up a cabinet and grabbing the tray. He set it next to the mixing bowl as Ross grabbed some non-stick spray to spray the tray with. He sprayed the cupcake tray, put in the cupcake liners, and then poured the cupcake batter into their designated spots in the tray. There was still some batter left in the bowl, so Ross would probably have to eat that while it was baking.

Rob and Ross both put on oven mitts to stay safe when putting the cupcakes into the oven. Rob opened up the oven as Ross stood to the side holding the tray in his hands. He carefully slid the tray into the oven and once he had successfully done that, Rob shut the oven and put on a timer for 10 minutes.

While waiting for the cupcakes to finish baking, Ross and Rob had a little conversation.

"...Rob? Do you think Joe feels bad for yelling at me earlier?"

"Of course he does. He gets a little mad sometimes, but he always bounces back eventually."

"Yeah. That's true. You think he'll ever believe in magic? In this whole... 'hero' thing that's going on?"

"Maybe. I feel like he'd only believe it if he sees it for himself."

"He already has, though.. with the necklaces. And the skirts."

"Joe's stubborn, Ross. We all know that."

"He can't be stubborn forever, though-"

Beep! Beep! Beep! The timer had gone off, and the cupcakes were done. "Well, we can finish this conversation later!" Ross chuckled, opening up the oven and pulling out the cupcakes. He set the cupcakes on the counter and started pulling out some red frosting for decorating with. He started putting the frosting onto each cupcake, swirling it.

Soon, the cupcakes were finished! "Nice job, Ross!" Rob grinned. "Thanks!" Ross responded joyfully, grabbing a plastic container to put the cupcakes in. He carefully put each cupcake into the container, one by one, and then put the lid on. "Joe's gonna love these for sure!"

Rob glanced at the time. It was 1:35 pm. "Oh, I gotta get to class. See you at the banana restaurant, Ross!" Rob said, rushing out of the room. "Bye, Rob!" The door shut as Ross sighed. "Well, let's hope Joe hasn't locked himself in his room," he muttered, leaving his dorm room.

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