Week 6 Part 3 (Tuesday)

Start from the beginning

     "I'm not talking about dance steps. I'm talking about morals and leading children. She couldn't beat GiaNina's with her piece, Abby. It was not as difficult," Hannah's mom tries to explain, the moms silently losing it.

     "Because she can't do anything more difficult!" Ms. Abby screams, startling Hannah and GiaNina.

     "She can. Give her... let her try," Ms. Colin begs, wanting Hannah to prove herself.

     "Show me. Show me. Show me. Right now, show me. Do ten pirouettes, show me," Ms Abby challenges Hannah.

     Hannah doesn't move. Nobody can do ten pirouettes unless you are Sophia Lucia. Hannah did the right thing by staying still. She'd hurt herself if she tried ten pirouettes. She definitely could've done the ten pirouettes. You can't even do five pirouettes.

     "She cannot-" Hannah's mom begins to yell, but is cut off again by Ms. Abby.

     "Do a jeté. Show. Me. Now!" Ms. Abby screams, her voice hoarse.

     Hannah doesn't move. She looks like she's about to cry. She must be so scared. GiaNina rubs her shoulder, comforting her and calming her down.

     "She can't do ten pirouettes. You know that!" Ms. Colin cries out.

     "Then shut your mouth," Ms. Abby yells.

     Hannah wipes a tear off her face and her mom gives up, commenting, "Whatever."

     Poor Hannah. The other moms are very amused now, smiling in surprise. But I know they feel bad for Hannah.

     "Next we have... Sarah. Sarah, I see potential in you. I just need to figure out if you can shine outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania," Ms. Abby comments.

     Coming from Ms. Abby, that's a compliment. Sarah can definitely shine outside of Pittsburgh. I mean, we've traveled to Scranton, Ohio, and New Jersey, and we've won at least the group dances. But Ms. Abby sees potential in Sarah. That's amazing.

     "Next... we have Savannah. Savannah, in the competition, you pulled my eye, you pulled focus... but in a good way," Ms. Abby explains.

     Savannah smiles. I'm relieved. If you draw attention in a bad way, that's not good. And Ms. Abby paused before she commented on how Savannah grabbed her attention.

     "Second row. We have Pressley. Pressley, you were clean, you were beautiful, you did a nice job," Ms. Abby says.

     Suddenly, Ms. Abby moves to the top, even though there is still a plaque on the second row. Huh. I didn't notice that there's seven plaques on the wall, instead of six. Who's on that other plaque? I hope it isn't a replacement.

     "On top of the pyramid is GiaNina," Ms. Abby exclaims.

     We all clap. She hasn't been on top since the second week. She's a much better dancer than you, Lilliana. She won her solo. You can't even do choreo for a group dance.

     "I am not going to take anything away from that. That was a win-" Ms. Abby starts before she is cut off by GiaNina's mom.

     "Today. But on Saturday, you want to take it away..." Ms. Paolantonio interjects.

     "Last thing I need is a delusional mother and delusional team members thinking that they should've beaten Brady," Ms. Abby says, raising her voice.

     "Excuse me," Ms. Paolantonio says, and we all turn our attention to her as she starts going off.

     "The judges thought she should win, and so she did. And instead of celebrating my kid, you came in and tried to discredit her and gave Brady some bogus-ass story that the reason why he lost is 'cause some judge is from Miami. Really? Really?" GiaNina's mom asks.

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