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When she walked into her, or their bedroom, she noticed a notebook left open. Perhaps by accident. But as she scanned it's contents, she realised that was nothing else but her own diary.

She hadn't written anything in her diary that day, she was busy painting the wall with Louis.

"I swear to fucking God, Partridge, you're going to pay." She mumbled to herself.

It could've been possible, as for her that he looked through her diary while she was hiding from him, or maybe when she was asleep. She probably didn't notice.

But right now, she was extremely mad. She was just trying to keep herself from choking him to death.

She simply laid on the bed and went through her phone, waiting for him to get here.

When he entered the room, she snapped her head away from the phone screen and noticed his appearance. He had clearly just taken a bath, as water was dripping from his hair.

"You'll sleep on the couch tonight." She said sternly, as he raised his brow. He was acting like he was confused, as he didn't want to make her mad again.


"For reading my diary." She snapped at him.

"Look, I was just curious." He shrugged, trying to seem casual even though he was scared inside.

"Yes, and curiosity will kill you."

"C'mon, it's not like you can change anything about what already happened."

"Oh yeah, but I can ruin your beauty sleep." He was getting irritated at this point, so he decided to bring it up again.

"As if you didn't do the same by leaking those pictures."

She rubbed her forehead with her palm, she was really close to having a

"Mhm, yeah I did. Yeah, I know that shit was stupid, idiotic and immature."

He was left speechless for once.

"Then why are you making it such a big deal? It isn't even as if I am going to tell the world!"

"And you want me do what? Trust you? Funny." She knew that she was  remembering all that shit that happened back then.

"That's the problem, you're too stubborn. You only ever care about yourself. Did you ever even apologize for what you did?"

"Alright then, I'll show you how stubborn I am." She nods angrily and opens a bottle of water. Then she turned it upside - down and lets all the water fall on Louis' side.

"Okay? Go fuck yourself. Have the worst night of your life." She threw the bottle on the floor, pulled the covers and went to sleep.

"This was a bad idea."


The next day, the two didn't speak to each other, let alone even just glancing. They were still not over last night, and they were too stubborn to even talk it out. None of them were going to apologize to the other.

✓ WAR OF HEARTS/louis partridge Where stories live. Discover now