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HER EYES OPENED TO THE bright sunlight coming inside from the windows. Julie could smell something, but she couldn't tell exactly what it was but she knew it was food.

She turned to her side while trying to get herself out of bed and found that Louis wasn't there.

Though that didn't matter, she wished he got kidnapped.

Who'd kidnap him anyway? He's a bloody git.

"I should stop spending time with British people." She spoke to herself, placing her fingers on her temples.

"Morning, Escobar. Hoped you'd passed away in your sleep, but this is alright too." Louis says, leaning against the doorframe, with a spatula in his hand. Not to mention but he was also wearing an apron.


"Oh you wish, Partridge. You aren't getting rid of me that easily." She stated as she left the bed and walked out of the bedroom.

"Whatever you say, darling."

"Don't call me that."

"So are you implying that only you can say that?"

"Yes, only I can and that too when I am threatening you darling." She says, tilting her head to her right, smiling sarcastically.

"We have some work to do." He walked past her inside the kitchen while she leaned on the kitchen counter.

"I am not helping."

"Can you not be a bitch for fucks sake?" Louis sighed exasperatedly whilst turning off the stove.


"Just for one day?" She looks at him suspiciously, wondering what was going on in his head. Of course she didn't know it, but tried to be a psychic bitch.

"What's in it for me?" She asks, while bouncing around the apple in her hand.

"We have to paint the walls, simple."

"What's in it for me?" She asked again.

"Well, I'll be nice to you." He says. "I guess." He mumbles the last part quietly as he heard her chuckle.

"I don't care if you're being nice to me."

"Can we just be like friends for today?"

She turns around, pondering over it for a while. Louis raises his eyebrows at her for a moment.

"Fine, but if you let me blast Taylor Swift the whole time."


"WHICH BITCH DECIDED TO HAVE a wall yellow? Seriously, Lou ─ Partridge?" Julie stared at the white wall in front of her, while tying her hair with into a bun with a ribbon with a few strands flying out.

✓ WAR OF HEARTS/louis partridge Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя