A Rocky Start

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So much love on the intro and it wasn't even a proper chapter, thank you guys so much. I really do appreciate it.

From here on out, the story is in the third person unless I state otherwise. I will be using a mixture of gifs and pictures of the real Roger and Ben Hardy as Roger, same for the others.

1st March 1971

"Oy Fred, you gonna give us a hand or stand there talking to your girlfriend all night," Roger huffs walking past the backroom to the van, bass drum in hand.

They've just finished a pub gig and are packing up their equipment before going for a drink, well, Brian, John and Roger are. Freddie is busy talking to Mary, "Go on, give them a hand, I'll wait by the van," Mary giggles leaving the room.

Brian comes back past adding to Roger case, "If you give us a hand, we can actually get to the bar before it closes."

"Alright lovies, don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm coming," He follows Brian to the stage, grabbing what he can carry and heads out back to the van.

As they're packing the last of their stuff up, a female voice shouts behind them, "Roger Taylor?!"

Turning, the drummer comes face to face with a pretty blonde woman about his age maybe a year younger, skinny figure, brown eyes and in a dress that leaves little to the imagination.

Roger smirks eyeing her up and down, "That's me, darling, who wants to know?"

"Your daughter." The woman sneers, pulling a little girl from behind her and pushes her over to Roger, causing her to fall to the pavement, crying. She can't be more than a year or so old.

"Hey! There's no need for that," Brian stoops to the girl's aid, checking her hands and knees but she backs away scared.

"Did you just say, daughter?" Roger questions looking between the child and woman in front of him, panic rising in his chest.

"Yes, that is your daughter. You obviously don't remember me," She raises an eyebrow waiting for his answer.

Roger just shakes his head in complete shock, "Nope, sorry."

"June 1969, you performed at a gig and met me at the bar after. My name is Georgia but I doubt you'll remember that bit either." A hint of realisation flashes across Roger's eyes, "Yeah, know you remember. Anyway, as I said that is your daughter. Alice Taylor, born on the 1st of March 1970. Happy birthday, sweety, you are your dad's problem now." She chucks a backpack on the floor next to Alice.

"Her birth certificate is in the front pocket," She sneers at the little girl turning on her heels and walks away.

"Wait! Hold on a minute," Roger hurries after her, grabbing her arm, "What proof have you that she's is my daughter? And why are you passing her off to me now? You're her mother."

"Not by choice, I didn't choose to get pregnant." She snatches her arm from his hold, "You sleep around with so many women I'm surprised this hasn't happened to you sooner. I had a modelling career waiting for me and then I found out I was pregnant. They didn't want me after that but now I've been given an opportunity in America, it would cost me too much to take her with me and to be honest, I don't want her anyway, never did."

"I'm always skint because of her, having to pay for food, nappies and baby clothes. She never stops crying, always wanting something. Do a DNA test if you want proof, but she has to be yours because I haven't been with anyone till after she was born and you were my first so... yeah, she's yours. Besides, look at her, she basically your double, I would have passed her to you sooner but you're a hard person to track down. She's your problem now," Georgia smirks and turns the flag down a taxi.

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