The Rescue

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My thumb lazily but swiftly pressed the buttons on the old machine that was bolted to the wall. My employee number and name flashed onto the little screen, telling me I was clocked off for the night. My coworker, Brandon, squeezed in next to me to punch in his own number.

"Get me the fuck outta here." Brandon rolled his eyes with a soft sigh and trudged to the locker room door.

I let out a chuckle. "I know, right?" And followed him to grab my own things.

"Any plans tonight?" Brandon asked while swinging his locker door open.

"Nah, just staying in tonight. What about you?" I asked.

Brandon shrugged then slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Was gonna go out, but heard about that 'Sin-Eater' guy. He's been killing again." Brandon's hand met his black hair as his fingers laced into the thick strands.

He looked to the floor and seemed he was deep in thought but then immediately locked eyes with me again.

"Sin-Eater?" I tilted my head and slammed my locker shut.

"Yeah, dude! Haven't you heard of him?" Brandon opened the locker room door for me and bobbed his head shyly for me to go ahead.

"Thank you." I said with a small smile.

The man bounded after me as we walked down the hall.

"He's this green ski mask guy! He's killed all these people because of their 'sins' and shit. You better be careful getting home."

Brandon waved his hands in the air while walking backwards in front of me, seemingly enjoying the sound of his own voice as he went on about the killer. I laughed as he began to talk about other killers and supernatural folk that had fought The Amazing Spider-Man.

"I'm glad you have interests outside of work." I replied while we walked together to the door.

Brandon once again opened it for me.

"You bet, bro!" He gave me a little two finger salute.

"See ya tomorrow, man." I said as I trotted down the stairs and onto the sidewalk.

"Be safe!" Brandon replied before putting his hand up to an approaching taxicab.

"You too!" I chimed.

I didn't feel too safe after Brandon warning me about the Sin-Eater. I tried to keep my head high and shoulders back as I trotted down the dark street. Bustling people and busy lights and loud cars. The noises and people gave me comfort.

I was not alone.

I gazed at the beautiful city around me. My eyes glanced in many directions at the different people and brightly lit corner stores. A homeless woman sat against one. The old woman was clad in warm looking yet torn clothing while she remained huddled on a blanket in front of the corner store. She looked up at me as I approached with my hand busily fumbling through my bag. I pulled out a ten dollar note.

"I'm sorry. It's all I have in cash right now." I smiled sadly and bent down to give her the money.

"Thank you. God bless your soul, sweetheart." The woman's voice was hushed yet sincere.

"Thank you, ma'am. Have a good night..."

As I crossed the street, my apartment building was in view. I looked back worriedly at the homeless woman as she remained curled up on her old blanket. A deep sadness plunged down into my heart. It all suddenly left me when I saw what looked like a red flash zip by high above the buildings around mine. I looked up quickly to try and get a glance of it. My head whipped around slowly, trying to find the humanoid figure.

What was that? Spider-Man...? I walked a little faster.

A loud sigh left my lips as I ripped the apartment door open. Home at last.

"Freaking overtime, man..." I mumbled to myself.

I relaxed my posture and went to clean the kitchen a little, often smiling sadly to myself from thinking about the homeless woman's kind words.

A small hum left my lips as I tied a double knot on a trash bag. I yanked the full bag out of my trashcan and walked to the the door with a purposeful gait. Honking cars and busy chatter filled my ears from the New York life right outside my apartment. I hummed again, trotting through the lobby towards the trash chute to cram the bag in.

Ugh, I don't wanna go to work tomorrow. Guess I outta get in my pj's and—!

I stopped mid thought when I turned around to walk back to my apartment. When I had turned around, I found myself staring down the double barrels of a shotgun.


I threw myself against the wall to the point where the handle on the trash chute dug into my tailbone unpleasantly. 'Twas but the last of my worries at that moment.

"You reek of sin, vainglory, selfishness and hubris." Said a man in a green ski mask like the guy Brandon was talking about.

The Sin-Eater.

"No!" I shoved his chest and let out a terrified shriek.

New York was so fucking big but somehow the Sin-Eater found himself on my ass.

"I forgive you." The Sin-Eater cocked his gun and a shell spat out.

I froze in place as it rolled onto the floor and bumped against my shoe.

Thank you. God bless your soul, sweetheart.

I was about to scream bloody murder until shock silenced me as the lobby's window shattered into a million pieces next to us.

The Sin-Eater whipped his green clad head around to look what was happening. My hands grasped the sides of my own head, my hair being tugged slightly by my clenching fingers. Some of my neighbours ripped open their doors and bursted into the lobby to see what was going on too, resulting in them screaming in fear.

"It's your friendly neighbourhood Carnage-Man!"

A creature had smashed through the window and wrapped its red tendrils around the Sin-Eater's throat. I didn't know who the Sin-Eater was or some of Spider-Man's enemies Brandon was talking about but...

I knew who Carnage was and I knew what he did to people who were just like me.

The Sin-Eater landed a hard punch to my cheek before he was ripped away from me by Carnage. I cried out in pain and hit the floor, shattered glass littered around my body.

"Wake up! Are you alive? You better be. I need your help."

My eyes slowly cracked open from the southern voice of a familiar man. My cheek ached with a dull pain as I tried to remember what happened. The Sin-Eater...


I screamed as my eyes were met with pure white ones. Carnage was crouched upside down in front of my face. I struggled in my restraints. Where were we? The rain was loud and plummeting down but we weren't getting wet. Below us was the ocean. When I noticed that, I quickly stopped struggling. We were under a bridge, and I was propped up against one of the brick walls that supported it by Carnage's red webbing.

"I want to be a great hero, and I need you to teach me how." Said Carnage.

I let out a deafening scream.

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