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'Okay, let's go over the plan one more time,' Bo said. He and Mia were standing with two FBI agents, an hour before their plan of storming the Wesninski household was to be put into place.

Mia had spent months putting together an actual, court-worthy file for Kayleigh Day's death, and now her plan was falling into place; take out Nathan, and give the Moriyamas an ultimatum.

'You and your team go in there and get Wesninski - alive - bring him back to us, and we'll let you go back to Britain, no questions asked.' the agent repeated. Mia nodded. She was strapping her guns and knives to her bulletproof jacket - so much like the one she'd worn for years with Neil and Mary. Finally, she placed the ring on the chain dangling around her neck and tucked it under her shirt collar.

Her phone buzzed and Mia excused herself from the small group gathering to answer. She frowned. Kurt.

'What is it?' she snapped. 'You know what's happening today.'

'I do,' Kurt replied. Mia frowned; he sounded anxious. 'And I have something to tell you.'

'What is it?' Mia repeated. 'If you're telling me not to go because you think he'll best us don't bother. I'm doing this, Kurt, you can't stop-'

'Kevin called me.' Kurt interrupted her, stunning Mia into silence. Kurt sighed. 'He said that he didn't have your number, but to tell you that Neil's been kidnapped.' 

'What,' Mia asked, deathly quiet.

'You heard me,' Kurt said softly. Mia knew he was giving her pity, and she hated it. She hated him. 

'What the fuck am I supposed to do about that?' Mia asked him, but she was really talking to herself. 'Did Kevin give you any specifics? Did he tell you who took him? Did he see their faces? Kurt I need these details.' Mia was getting angry then. She didn't know if she was more mad at herself for leaving Neil or Andrew and Renee for not doing their jobs. Mia had specifically asked Renee to look after Neil, and it was clear Andrew had some sort of protectiveness over her cousin. She'd expected him to look after Neil, too.

'No, Mia,' Kurt said sharply. 'He didn't give me any specifics because he was having a panic attack. I'm on my way over to where he told me he and the rest of the Foxes would be, so I can look after them and make sure none of them get hurt either.'

'Okay, fucking fine,' Mia said, running a hand through her hair. 'My guess is that Wesninski took him, so if we find him there, we'll have to change the plan, but I'll let you know.' Kurt hummed. 'But don't tell the Foxes about what's happening. They can't know until I've gone back to England, okay?'

'Okay,' Kurt said. 'Good luck.' Then he hung up and Mia sighed. She couldn't deal with this today.


Mia stood outside the house she'd never seen before but had heard Neil describe. He'd said it was a nice, big house in a good suburb, but Mia had never known it was this big. This nice. 

'Alright, change of plan,' Mia said, taking out her earpiece momentarily. Bo looked at her with shock on his face. 'Neil's in there, so we have to get him out, too.' Her brother was silent for a moment before nodding and turning back to the group. He let them know this was a double recovery, but Mia had other plans. Nathan Wesninski would die tonight, either by her hands or by Neil's. They deserved it. Mary deserved it.

Bo signalled the team to move in, breaking down the door. Then Mia went in, shooting at anything that moved. Lola Malcolm was the first person to go down, and Mia felt a smile sweep across her face with sick satisfaction. She hit another man that she didn't recognise and he staggered out of the way. Another shot came from behind Mia and the man fell dead. Mia saw a figure huddled in a corner and headed for it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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