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'When did this happen?' Dan asked. Mia was standing in the changing room, fixing her hair. She'd never been to a ball or a banquet before. Never had a chance to wear a nice dress like the one she was wearing now. Mia was savouring the moment, drinking in the surroundings, even though it was literally an Exy court. 

'What?' Mia asked, genuinely confused at what Dan was talking about. She turned and looked at the captain of the Foxes. She was wearing a silver dress that fit her snugly and accentuated her curves. Allison stood on the opposite side of the room, putting on eyeliner, and Renee was nowhere to be seen.

'You look amazing,' Dan said. 'I've never seen you in something so, well, fancy.'

'That's because I've never had reason to wear anything "fancy",' Mia said walking past Dan to get to her things. She sat down and began putting on her shoes. They were flats, but were extremely lacy. Allison had picked them out for her.

'And you look stunning because that's one of my dresses,' Allison said, turning away from the mirror. She winked at Mia, who only looked down, letting her hair fall into her eyes.  Allison was dealing quite well with the knowledge that her boyfriend was in the hospital after overdosing.

The three girls exited the room shortly after, meeting up with the rest of the team. The dress Allison had loaned Mia was tightly fitted, but she'd found a way to conceal three knives against her thighs and back, were she to need them against anyone - specifically Riko Moriyama.

'You look beautiful,' Matt said to Dan with a smile on his face. She returned the expression and took his arm. Mia turned to Kevin and Neil who were standing next to each other, watching her.

Mia headed to them and fixed Neil's tie and collar, then smoothed over Kevin's hair - a nervous habit - and stood in front of the boys. 'I hope you won't do anything stupid tonight,' Mia said to her cousin. Neil smiled half-heartedly. 

'No promises,' He said in return. Mia rolled her eyes and took the arm Kevin offered her as the team walked into the stadium.

Someone must have thought themselves especially clever, putting the Foxes opposite the Ravens. Mia found it almost hilarious, if it weren't for the fact that Riko may have figured out who Neil and Mia really were. Kevin tightened his grip on Mia's arm as if looking for support. She didn't blame him - she had sworn to protect him - but didn't like the extra weight and dependence Kevin was showing towards her.

'Lay off, Day,' Mia huffed and Kevin took the hint. He loosened his grip, but Mia could tell he was shaking. 'He's not going to kill you here.'

'You don't know that,' Kevin whispered back. Mia let go of Kevin's arm and sat down next to him and Neil. 

Riko sat opposite Dan, as captain of the Ravens, and Neil was already shaking next to Mia. She put her hand on his under the table to remind him she was there. Neil gave her fingers a quick squeeze and then rested his hands on top of the table, clasped together with white knuckles.

Mia attempted to keep her head down throughout the conversations occurring around her, but Riko often looked in her direction. She was on edge, and wanted to leave, or stab him, or both, but couldn't do anything but sit in her seat and clench her jaw. 

That was, at least, until Neil opened his mouth.

He released words that had more weight to them then the ones he'd spoken on Kathy Ferdinand's show, and was clearly annoyed. Neil never would have done something like that if he wasn't truly mad. He never had in the past. 

Maybe he'd been too afraid. Too afraid of his mother and the consequences she would implicate. But Mia had hardly laid a hand on her cousin. Hardly raised her voice at him. It was usually the other way around. Mia realised she needed to be more harsh with Neil about these sorts of things. More strict. They wouldn't survive otherwise.

Finding MiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora