"LIES!" Abhi screeched. 

"NO ABHI, THEY'RE NOT LIES!" Radha retaliated. 

"You're lying Radha, again, you're the one causing this distress! When you do horrible things to other people, this is what happens! You are a terrible terrible woman! You deserve it! You deserve all the horrible things!" Abhimanyu screamed at her. In that moment something got into Radha, she was furious, she took a glass vase on flung it on the wall across. 

"SHUT UP ABHIMANYU! SHUT UP! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" she screamed as a large clash and shattering of glass made reverberated through the walls, shocking Abhimanyu he was speechless. 

"I don't know anything about those letters and those phone calls! You caused this for our marriage! You didn't want me as a wife! Stop blaming me! You went sleeping around when i tried my best to be the wife you'd like! Stop it Abhimanyu! Stop blaming me for this marriage! I don't know anything about those goddamn letters and that fucking phone call!" Radha screamed as she took support of the wall and leaned on it, letting tears spill out of her eyes. 

"Are you saying the truth Radha?" Abhimanyu asked her after a pause of silence. She nodded as she pressed her eyes together. Abhimanyu left the room. 


Abhi sat on the bench recollecting the conversation he had with supposedly Radha on the phone. He was very scared and unsure about the wedding, he didn't want to get married and he thought she ought to know this, it wasn't in his hand to do anything about the relationship because he had promised his father but Radha could say no, she could say no to the wedding. 

He quickly pulled a few strings and got her number. 

"Hello, am I talking to Radha?" 

"Yeah, who is this?" 

"It's Abhi, Abhimanyu, Kapoor, our father's are friends and we are supposed to be getting, well err married" 

"Oh yeah, hi Abhi, tell me" 

"Actually Radha, I can't get married, I don't want to go through with this, I am not prepared, my love life is completely scattered, I don't think I can do this! I just don't have the courage to even wear my sherwani. I am not prepared at all, I don't want this marriage! Please try to understand, only you can prevent it. I feel awful, we don't know each other, I haven't seen you in the longest time, i don't think we are right for each other. It's being forced upon me Radha, but I can't do this please try and understand. I will runaway if needed!" Abhi explained being a little dramatic but pouring out his heart. 

"oh no worried Abhi, you just come to the wedding tomorrow, I will take care of everything, by the time you come, I'd be gone. I don't want this wedding either. Just come to the wedding tomorrow, let things happen the way they are, alright? I will take care of the rest"

The next day while his happy father threw around money for the band to sing the loudest, he pretended to be an excited groom, at peace knowing that his bride would be gone and the marriage wouldn't take place. But to his dismay the bride walked over showing no intention of running away and pretended like they hadn't had the conversation. Abhi felt betrayed, almost trapped into coming there, he would not only have to go through with this marriage but begin it with a lie, it was suffocating for him and that moment he had built a caste of resentment against Radha, vowing to make her life miserable 

He remembered writing multiple letters to Radha when he was new to the boarding school he missed their weekend forays very much and would write a new letter to her almost every weekend, it dejected him when he wouldn't hear back. It broke his heart and he began harboring loath against Radha, not wanting to see her even when they went for vacation, finding new ways to entertain himself with other girls his age. 

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