"Nothing," said Theodore with a scowl "i wasn't talking to you so how about you mind your own business." 

"We wanted to ask —" Kirra started

"I wish people would stop talking behind my back!" said Myrtle, in a voice choked with tears. "I do have feelings, you know, even if I am dead—" 

"Myrtle, no one wants to upset you," said Kirra softly and tried to assure the girl. "Theodore only —"

"No one wants to upset me! That's a good one!" howled Myrtle and Mattheo pulled the small Hufflepuff behind him as she flinched from the large wail. "My life was nothing but misery at this place and now people come along ruining my death!" 

"We wanted to ask you if you've seen anything funny lately," said Mattheo with a blank expression on his face. "Because a cat was attacked right outside your front door on Halloween."

"Did you see anyone near here that night?" said Nott 

"I already told the last 3. I wasn't paying attention," said Myrtle dramatically. "Peeves upset me so much I came in here and tried to kill myself. Then, of course, I remembered that I'm — that I'm —" 

"Already dead," said Theodore sarcastically, not having the attention span to deal with the ghost that had just said a bunch of crazy stuff that clearly traumatized his best, and only friend. Myrtle gave a tragic sob, rose up in the air, turned over, and dived headfirst into the toilet, splashing water all over them and vanishing from sight, although from the direction of her muffled sobs, she had come to rest somewhere in the U-bend. 

The two Slytherins looked absolutely disgusted as they looked at their soaked robes "Come on, let's go." Kirra had barely closed the door on Myrtle's gurgling sobs when a loud voice made all three of them jump. 

"You three!" Percy Weasley had stopped dead at the head of the stairs, perfect badge agleam, an expression of complete shock on his face. "That's a girls' bathroom!" he gasped. "What were you — ?" He then looked between the girl and two boys and a look of disgust made its way onto his face "Wh-"

"We were just having a look around Ginger," Riddle sneered. "Clues, you know —" Percy swelled in a manner that reminded Kirra forcefully of Mrs Weasley.

"Get — away — from — there —" Percy said, striding toward them and starting to bustle them along, flapping his arms. "Don't you care what this looks like? Two Slytherin boys and a hufflepuff girl. Coming back here while everyone's at dinner —" 

"Why shouldn't we be here? Have a think against people who arent in your own house?" said the two Slytherin boys hotly, stopping short and glaring at Percy. 

"Listen, we never laid a finger on that cat!" Kirra tried to explain 

"20 points from Slytherin and 10 from Hufflepuff. That's 10 points each!" Percy said tersely, pointing his finger at his prefect badge. 

"We can count" Nott sneered and then he grabbed Kirras hand and tugged her away from the Gryffindor with Mattheo right next to them.

"Who can it be, though?" Kirra said in a quiet voice, as though continuing a conversation they had just been having as they walked down the hallways towards the bottom of the castle where their two common rooms were. "Who'd want to frighten all the Squibs and Muggle-borns out of Hogwarts?" 

Theodore sent a look over at Mattheo and Mattheo glared in return and shook his head "surely it's not a student I mean, how can somebody be so cruel, this isn't a prank. This is just horrible" Kirra exclaimed sadly as they got closer and closer to the end of their nightly stroll

"So what do you think about what that ghost girl was saying to you before?" Theodore asked her suddenly and she shrugged her shoulders as she looked up at the boy

"I have no idea" she responded but she couldn't help but feel like it was a lie as she thought back to the visions that she had had. The first boy that myrtle was talking about fit the description of the boy she had been seeing in her visions and she saw herself in the visions and it was clear the two were together. 

She then thought back to the mirror of erised and how Mattheo, the Slytherin from her visions and one more Slytherin was there. Maybe that was the second boy that Myrtle was talking about.

No that would be impossible, there was no way she had been going to Hogwarts in different lifetimes. It just wasn't possible. 

They made it to the Hufflepuff basement and said goodbye before Kirra walked into the common room and then to her dorm. She sighed softly as she pushed the door open, the other three girls were already in there, getting ready for bed. Kirra and Maxie made eye contact for a short moment before Maxine looked away and continued to get ready for bed.

Kirra got changed and laid down, pulling the blankets over her body and snuggling deeper into the bed, all she could think about was what myrtle had told them.

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