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Tokyo Revengers
Manjiro Sano

"I'm not completely sure on how to prevent their fighting, but I believe that if we avoid her, that will change the outcome." Naoto said to Takemichi

"Her? A girl?" He asked, with curiosity.

"Yes, her name is Mirei Noel," Naoto explained showing him pictures.

"She seems familiar," Takemichi said, picking up a past photo of the girl. The uniform she wore was similar to his from when he was in junior high.

"She went to your school, here's a closer picture, she changed Sano, prevent their meeting." Naoto explained. He waited for Takemichi to understand the task.

Takemichi looked at Naoto with determined eyes and stuck his hand out. To which Naoto shook.


I stared as they dumped my belongings into the koi fish pond. There was a lot of things I could've done but instead all I did was watch.

"Huh? Is that not enough to make you rage?" Kiran asked, she stepped towards me.

Her friends were making fun of my drawings and ripping every page in my journals and throwing them into the water.

She grabbed me by the collar. I turned my head unfazed. It was tempting to spit on her face, so I did.

"Bitch!" She yelled before she threw me into the pond as well.

"What a waste of time," she muttered, wiping her face as she left. Her friends followed closely behind her.

I sighed, it was just another regular day for me. It's not that I couldn't do anything about it, I just felt like I deserved to be punished this way.

I took off my shoes and squeezed the water out of my socks. There was nothing worse than wet socks. I picked up my things one by one shoving everything inside my handbag. My papers and textbooks were all wet.

Two guys are walking near the pond. Their eyes were glued to me. I ignored them and picked up all of my stuff.

They stopped and stared at me. Wanting to leave already I grabbed my bag and shoved the remaining things inside

The shortest one came up to me.

"Did you have a nice swim?" He asked.

I didn't respond, usually when I don't respond people leave me alone.

He draped his school sweater over my head. I looked up at him. He gave me a closed eye smile.

"What's Your name?" He asked.

I turned my head away from him. I hated pity.

"Can you at least tell me your name?" he asked.

"Mirei," I answer, hoping he would leave now.

"Mirei, nice to meet you, I'm Mikey," he says turning to walk
away with his taller friend.

My first impression was annoying. Why didn't he just mind his own damn business.

I took off the sweater and threw it into the pond.

I don't need help.

That's the Prologue! Let me know your thoughts!

𝕺𝖈𝖊𝖆𝖓 𝖊𝖞𝖊𝖘 [Mikey]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant