"They'll be a limo waiting out front." Caesar finally spoke up, speaking directly to the white girl. Huey and the rest of them turned around and left.

Jazmine was the first one to begin laughing and then they all broke out in a fit of laughter. "This was easier than I thought." Jazmine called out

Christini nodded her head "And they those two dudes seemed to be digging, Cindy."

"Come on, let's get ready before they come back here and hear us. " Cindy said, calming her laughter down.

The trio went into the back room and got changed. They waited a few more minutes before leaving Huey's club and getting into the limo. They got in the middle of a conversation they were having, so the three men stared at them.

Riley finally spoke up after a few seconds of silence. He reached under his seat and took out a bottle of champagne. "Anybody want some champagne?" 

The Three girls all nodded their heads and he popped the cork off, pouring it in their mini glasses.

Riley took his glass and held it in the air. "Let's toast. Here's to a fun night."

They clinked their glasses together and drunk from the bottle.

Huey and Caesar were silent while Riley made all the moves against the girls, they were mostly observing the girls. Jazmine took notice of this and looked at the duo. "Y'all ever gonna talk?" She asked, playfully. Cindy and Christini agreed with her.

Caesar laughed "Oh, I just been picturing my entire life with Cindy over there." He said and then winked at her.

Cindy rolled her eyes but smiled once she looked away.

Jazmine turned to Huey. "And you?"

Huey sneered "I wasn't doing anything, y'all not even all that." Huey said, crossing his arms and looking away. He was obviously lying but he wasn't going to make a fool of himself.

After a couple minutes of laughing, joking around and, drinking from the champagne bottle they finally arrived to Huey, Caesar, and riley's shared mansion.

The gates automatically opened as they got closer to the mansion. The three girls were in awe and they looked at each other knowingly. "Come on, let's get out, we got more liquor in the house." Riley said, stepping out of the limo. The women followed Riley and Huey and Caesar were the last ones to get out of the car.

They all stepped inside the mansion and Riley led them all to their own personal mini bar. He jumped over the counter. "Is it okay if I pick what we drink?" He said.

"Pick away!" Cindy said.

Caesar watched Riley put the moves on Cindy and he knew he had to step up his game. He slipped away from Huey's side and stood next to Cindy.

"You have such beautiful eyes, you know that?" Caesar said, smirking.

Cindy nodded her head "I've been told that befo."

Riley finished pouring their drinks and served them. Cindy turned her attention to Riley and took her drink.

Huey made his way over to Jazmine's side. He didn't say anything. He poured his own drink and placed it back down on the counter. He glanced at Jazmine out of the corner of his eye every so often.

Christini sipped on her drink, just happy to be there in the moment. Even though she wasn't getting as much attention as the other two girls.

"Um... Riley is it? How about we slip away for a few seconds?" Cindy asked.

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