Going to the Avengers Compound

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Klaus' ears perked to footsteps coming up to the door and pushed them into a sitting position. The group Isadora had seen at The Grill earlier filed in followed by Elijah. Most of the group just stared at how close Isadora was to Klaus, but Damon just smirked and plopped down on the couch on the other side of her.

"When do we leave?" Damon said, poking Isadora's side.

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She swatted his hand away with a playful growl. "Soon as everyone is packed. I've got a phone call to make while you all get ready to leave."

Isadora pushed herself off the couch and walked outside. Pulling out her phone, she dialed the number that had called her earlier.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Fury asked on the other end.

"Nearly. We just need the jet here."

"Just a minute and we'll have the cords. Should take about thirty minutes to get there. I'll send two of my best people out to meet you."

After waiting a couple of minutes for Fury to track her location, Isadora hung up the phone and headed back inside. "We have about thirty minutes until we leave. Oh Kol, don't flirt with Nat. She'll have you pinned before you can finish your thoughts from what I've heard."

Kol rolled his eyes but sped to his room to grab his bag. Isadora decided to see what snacks were in the fridge while she waited for everyone to be ready. She grabbed a handful of blueberries before going out to wait by where the jet would land. Just as everyone assembled outside, the jet came into view and landed in the clearing before them. The group headed over to it as the ramp lowered. A slightly muscled man with short sandy brown hair and a woman with fiery red hair stood just inside the jet to greet them.

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"Oh there's a lot of you," the man joked. Isadora had a feeling she'd get along with him.

The woman cleared her throat. "I'm Natasha or Nat and this is Clint. Plenty of room to settle in. Should only take about half an hour to get back to New York."

The group silently filed into the jet. Isadora was pulled into a seat between Klaus and Damon while the Scooby Doo gang found their seats on the opposite side of the jet. Rebekah and Elijah picked seats on the other side of Klaus and Kol was his daring self and sitting on Damon's other side. The groups talked quietly amongst themselves while they waited to arrive in New York. Every few minutes, the Scooby Doo gang would steal a glance at the Mikaelson group and wonder why Isadora was so close to them. The two groups were still mostly at odds after everything that had happened. 

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