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"He said he'd stay. I wanted to
ask— 'till when?'"


"I guess, I should get going now." He walks beside me picking up his jacket. 

I widen my eyes listening to that. I hold his hand stopping him. He looks up staring into my eyes.

"What?" He asks. I blink my eyes. I don't even know why I don't want him to go. I just want him to stay here. Just for the night.

I feel my chest tightening as my heart pounds inside my chest wildly.

I don't know what to say to him so he stays.

"Do you want me to stay?" As if he read my mind, he speaks with his raised brow. I stare at my hand that's holding onto his. I slowly let go of his hand. "Um... no. I... Bye." I gulp down the hard lump forming in my throat.

His lips curl up as he let out a soft chuckle. "Are you scared? I'll stay if you want me to, yeah?" I lick my dry lips staring at him blankly. 

His smile is hypnotizing. I feel like I can't see anything else except that smile. 

My lips curl up seeing him smiling at me so brightly. He snaps his fingers in front of me bringing me into reality. 

"Ye...No. I don't want to cause you any trouble." As much as I want him to stay here with me I can't put him in trouble. My foremost pledge is to save life of common people. That's what matters to me the most. 

"It's alright. I'll stay." He lets his jacket drop back on the bed and sits on the chair beside me. "No. It's okay. I-" He keeps his hands on mine staring into my eyes. My heart skips a beat at his touch. I get a strange feeling in my stomach. 

I look at his hands. I am afraid I might miss his touch if he keeps his hands on mine any longer. 

"Don't worry. Get some sleep." He pulls his hand away and I realize how much I want him to stay close. 

I know I am being crazy by trusting a complete stranger. But I can't help it. This, what I am feeling right now is a foreign feeling but I am loving it. I am afraid if he goes that feeling will be gone with him.

I shake my head. "I am not sleepy." He pouts nodding his head. "What should we do then?"

I think for a while before answering him. "Let's see what we have in this house." I get up from my bed so quickly as if I never got hurt. 

Well, that's excitement. "Slow down." He follows me as I search through drawers and cupboards. There are some clothes. I put on a T-shirt as I am now starting to feel a little cold. There's blanket too. 

"Oh, that's a filming camera." I pick it up showing it to him. "What will you do with that?" He crosses his arm leaning on the wall. I squint my brows thinking about it.

"Let's make a vlog like those youtubers." I swear, I never once even looked at any of the vlogs. I am too busy to do that and I have more important things to do. I always found it totally silly.

But out of nowhere, today I find it exciting.


I nod my head turning the camera on. I hear him clicking his tongue. "We could've done that with the phone camera too." I shake my head. "This is more fun than that." I feel his stare on me but I don't look at him. 

"Hi, This is Y/n and today, we have the great tattoo artist, Jeon Jungkook with us." I wave my hands on the camera before turning it towards him. "Don't film me like that. I don't look handsome." He turns his back to the camera. 

I frown turning him by his arm. "You can look more handsome than this?" A sly smirk tugs on the corner of his lips as he raises a brow. "You are bad at compliments." He speaks after a long silence. I let out a laugh before turning the camera on selfie mode and walking towards him. 

"So, this is day one of our friendship. This guy's driving is amazing and he makes amazing tattoo designs. Jungkook, tell us, what more can you do?" I zoom in his face while he is thinking about his talents.

"I can cook food. I make delicious bulgogi. I can play tennis. I can shoot five balls in 3 seconds. I am that fast." I give my shocked reaction. "Woah, Let's name him Black Mamba because he's that fast." I whisper taking the camera away from him. 

"And I can fight!" I throw a very soft girlish fist at him as he bursts out into a fit of laughter. "Hey, you can at least act that you are hurt." I sulk rolling my eyes as he continues to laugh shamelessly. 

"I'm sorry. Auww, that punch was so hard. Ouch, I almost died." He holds his stomach groaning. I scoff, internally finding his over acting too cute.

"Minus point. He doesn't know how to act." I nod my head in disappointment. 

"Hey, it wasn't that bad." He argues letting out a gasp from his lips.

"No, It was bad."

"It wasn't. I am a good actor."

"Not at all. I don't think so."

"How much do you even know me?"

"I know you enough to tell if you are a good actor or not."

"You are demotivating me."

"That's the truth though."

"Then, you can act that I am a good actor." I click my tongue giving upon this argument. "Fine, you win. You are the rising star of the world. Presenting to you the great actor Jeon Jungkook." I laugh after what I say. He joins me too.

I sit on the bed as he sits beside me still laughing. We film until very late. Mostly, roasting and teasing each other. 

I forgot everything. That night was the best night for me. It was only him, his smiles, me and my happiness. 

That day we created our own world which was peaceful in its own way. That world was our safe place. I wanted to stay in our world forever because it was better than the real world. 

I had him in there. 

It was then, when I first became aware of what it's like to be happy. What it's like to have a person who can make you smile in the hardest situations.

I smiled. I felt strange in a good way. I realized how beautiful that smile is. I want to be happy more often. I had a taste of happiness and it's addicting. I want it more. 

That's why I decided to choose him even if it meant to be happy for a little while. Even if I had to sacrifice everything for it, I was willing to do it. 

Because, He is worth the sacrifice. 

The Red String Of Fate | | JJK FF Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα