Promise Me

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... A couple of months later...

Ayanokoji pov...

It's one day before our graduation
The student council president.. Manabu will leave the school, what I mean by leaving is entering college in another school..

I Sat on my chair,i can see in the corner of my eye that horikita is staring at me...
Maybe she needs something? Then I asked her "do you need anything?" she replied "well... Brother wanted to meet you in the cafeteria before he leaves" manabu? He's gonna ask me to be a president again or..., then our teacher came
Oh did i tell you that we're in class b now i am now 1 step closer on reaching my promise to horikita

After class

The president is about to leave in 10 minutes I rushed my way to the cafeteria and saw him waiting in his seat. He started the conversation "hi there, glad you came" he said smiling. That's odd usually he's more of a teacher than a student when he talks anyways "what do you want" I replied
"well I'm just here to ask you if-" I cutted his sentence "no I don't want to be the president" I said

"no, no don't worry I'm not gonna ask you that" he said. Really? What else would he ask me

"the truth is I wanna ask you how's my sister" he ask. Oooh

"well she's fine, I'm one step closer on completing my promise" I answered

"no I mean how are you two doing" he asked

"what do you mean?" I asked back. Don't tell me he thinks we are...

"I mean how is your relationship with her" he ask. Damn it, I hate it when people talk about this. I just let a simple sigh and replied

"were not dating"


1 awkward minute later

"anyways, one more question" he ask. Actually this is the first real question

"do you think she hates me" he ask
Finally a non awkward question

"no.. Why she?" I ask

"I didn't made her feel like I'm his brother and his my sister" he said

"you know manabu, without you she would never have a dream" I said


"because he's dream is too reach you, to made you proud, happy and many more" I said

"oh..."he smiled" glad to hear that" he said then he checked his watch and said "oh its almost about time. Goodbye then ayanokoji" he said

"Bye" i simply said

"oh and one more thing" he said

"what is it" I asked

"promise me to protect her"he asked
I Noded and said" it would be my pleasure"

And that was my final conversation and promise with horikita manabu

End of chapter

This was a short chapter but hopefully you like it

Itsuki out

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