A New Challenge

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Ayanokoji pov

A day has passed...
I sat down to my chair and I saw my cute neighbor she says good morning I was impressed how she changed her personality in just 1 and a half months. So also greet her still with my signature poker face everyone was chatting with their neighbors which makes me think that I should talk to her more often.

"hey horikita" I said in a calm tone


"how's the president, your brother?"
I said

"he's fine but he's still trying to heal his wounds so the vice president of the school would be the running president until my brother's ok"
She said. So if I accept the principal's offer then I would be running president huh? But still I have no regrets I don't wanna take care of anything tho plus


1 day ago in class

"next week we'll have another exam for all of you" sensei announced

Everyone begun chattering again about the exam I can see horikita with a serious face in the corner of my eye.

"that exam would be a..."sensei

Maybe this exam would be my chance to atleast use a little bit of my power (a/n:when he says power he means his talent)

" a race" sensei announced. A race? Well it does include agility and speed but a race are they serious? This is more like a p.e exam then huh

"finnaly time to show my talent" suddo added. That's the only talent you have idiot

"wait miss what kind of race?" hirata asked

"that's what we'll explain next week before the exam starts

Oh so this only means that race won't be a typical race I hope but who knows All I need to do Is to win

The class ended

"haha that's our kiyotaka! He's not just helpful he's also caring" suddo said

"ayanokoji-kun you don't really need to reject that. That's the best offer they can give you" hirata added. Well that's not the first offer they gave me they also want me to be vice president

"it's all for my school life anyway" I said

"hey kiyotaka since your famous now,share us some of your girls haha!" suddo said, how did the topic come to this

"yeah kiyotaka, oh and I see you yesterday with kamuro in class A tell me is she your girlfriend" the other idiot added, just because she thanked me for saving the president doesn't mean we're already a-

"kiyotaka has a girl freind,
kiyotaka has a girl freind,
kiyotaka has a girl freind" this is too much time to escape this conversation

"i-" I was cutted by hirata

"cmon guys maybe she just thanked kiyotaka" sigh finnaly thank you hirata "plus I'm sure he's girl freind is ichinose the other day ichinose grabbed his hand" oh shit! Do they rlly think I'm that famous sigh

"non of them plus if I would have a one not on other classes it would just draw alliance tho" I said while exiting the building

"ah so it's suzune-San fine I'll give her to you haha let's go!"suddo said, oh my what are they thi-

" kiyotaka has a girl freind, kiyotaka has a girl freind kiyotaka has a girl freind"they said leaving me alone, finnaly I have peace now I said

I walked

I found a 3rd year class d student I asked him what happened in the race exchange for 20000 class points not like its a big effect anyway so the race was-

End of flashback...

"class end!" sensei announced

It was another normal day

I exited the building and ofcourse walked i Continued walking, I saw a boy with the same uniform as mine walk in the opposite direction and he said

"Kiyotaka ayanokoji" said I was quite nervous mentally that he would be another challenge I stopped walking


"Your going down" he said leaving in the opposite direction

End of this chapter...

Next chapter is day of the exam

Itsuki out...

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