Back in your arms ~Siren x Adventurer!Reader~

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"Are we there yet?" You groaned, looking at the leader of your group. He shook his head, keeping his eyes ahead and gripping onto his spear. A chuckle came from your right, looking over to one of your partners, Simon.

"Really, (Y/N)? You asked that like...five minutes ago!" He laughed, elbowing you slightly which made you laugh as well. The rest of the group laughed as well, seeing that you were strangely eager to get back to the castle.

"Well, I haven't seen Siren in like a year and a half." You stated, rubbing your neck and pulling out some food from your bag.

"Oh yeah! I forgot you hold the queen position under your name!" Simon gasped, rubbing your hair slightly. You laughed slightly, fixing your hair and looking ahead.

"Eh?! Since when? You aren't even married, or engaged with him!" Samantha cried, swimming next to you. You sighed, rolling your eyes and pushing her slightly.

"Before we left the castle, Siren consulted if I'd want to be queen, so I accepted." you stated, tracing over a small scar the was on your arm from the small incident that happened between the two of you. The group suddenly stopped, making everyone go quite. Grabbing your spear, you looked around for any danger that the leader saw or heard.

"It's alright (Y/N), we'll take a brake in there," he stated, pushing the spear down and pointing to a crack in a hill, big enough for the ten of you. "(Y/N), lead them to the crack, I'll get us some food." You nodded, swimming over to the hole with the group behind you. Making your way inside, the group sighed in relief, glad that they didn't have to swim any longer for now. You groaned, cracking your back and your fingers, feeling your back feel more comfortable.

"Siren, swimming back and forth won't make her come faster." Susca joked, watching her worried son swim back and forth in front of her.

"I know. Im just worried that she wants to be with someone else..or whatever.." the male confessed, running a hand through his hair. His mother sighed, a small smile landed on her face.

"This is their last adventure. Once she gets back, she's back for good." Siren gasped, looking at his mother with wide eyes.

"Really? You're serious," the queen laughed, nodding her head with the same smile. "How come you didn't tell me?"

"I wanted to see your reaction," His mother quickly replied, making the boy groan slightly. "Come on, they'll be here soon!" Siren smiled, swimming next to his mother as they headed to the front gate with the other MerShark's there as well.

"Prince Siren, ready to see your girlfriend?" Seko smirked, elbowing him slightly once he was next to the prince. The royal nodded, grinning from ear to ear like a pup getting his or her first spear lessons.

What felt like waiting years, was only 15 minutes and the guards told the queen that they were arriving, making the young prince get more worried then before.

"There here!" Siren gasped, choking on his spit. Seko chuckled, patting his back in hopes that helped the boy to stop coughing and to calm him down. The guard smiled, lifting Sirens head up slightly to make him look up. A 'sorry Prince Siren!' was yelled from the mer who yelled it.

"Go get her." He he sang, pushing him slightly making Siren gasped, looking up to see you at the front gate. The two of you stared at each other, seeing that you both look different from the last time you both saw each other, which was a year and a half ago.

"(Y/N)...(Y/N)!" The prince cried, slowly inching himself forward before fully swimming over to you. You smiled, tears at the brink of falling out from your eyes as you made your way over to Siren. The two of you hugged each other for dear life, like you were leaving for good.

"I missed you!" You choked out, the tears pouring out from your eyes. He nodded slightly, tightening his grip to keep you close to him. He pulled back slightly, peppering your face with kisses, making you smile.

"Can we stay like this?" He sighed, putting his head in the crook of your neck. You nodded, letting out a small sigh and slowly running a hand through his hair. A small cough came from your right, looking to the source you saw Queen Susca.

"Queen Susca!" You smiled, letting go of the male to hug the queen, as she returned the hug quickly.

"How was the adventure?" She smiled, letting go so her son could hold you again. You chuckled, feeling Siren wrap his arms around you once again.

"It was good. Glad it was my last one! Bye Susca!" You called, watching her body get smaller as Siren continued to dragged you back to his room.

"Did you get anymore scars?" He asked once the two of you got to his room. You nodded your head, looking around to see that his room was way different then it was the last time you were in here.

"I'm glad to be back, but I'll miss going on adventures." You confessed, still looking around his room, picking up small things that lied around the room then putting them back. He smiled, to him it felt that you were gone way longer than a year and half, but somehow he managed to help his mother rule the castle just fine.

"It went by so fast, I could even tell you! One minute I was a prince, then I was king!" Siren smiled, looking down at the little girl that sat before him.

"Really?! That's so cool! I can't wait to be Queen!" She beamed, a huge smile rested on her face.

"Whoa, don't get ahead of yourself. You're still a princess." You laughed slightly, seeing that your daughter was super excited about being queen, even though it will be years before that happens.

"Still! Uncle Skiff and Seko are going to teach me how to use a spear tomorrow, right?" She asked, looking at her father. He nodded, rubbing her hair slightly.

"Don't do anything crazy, alright? I'll talk to them when I drop you off, ok honey?" You stated, crossing your arms and looking at the girl, then at your husband.

"Promise!" She called, swimming to her room. You sighed, rubbing your temples and letting out a groan.

"Why did we decide to have a kid? This was your idea, Siren." You groaned, elbowing your husband in his side, making his yelp slightly.

"It was all worth it in the end." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you like the day you came back home.

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