Help Me Heal ~Heartbroken! Kappa x Kio Fish!Witch! Reader~

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Mikasa_Ackerman11 requested this :) (I hate you bestie) hope you enjoy it!

"Kappa! What are you doing?!" Siren begged, looking at his lover as he shakes in fear, staring at the staff that Kappa clutched in his hands. The Beacon slowly shook his head, tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he cornered the shark into the wall of the dungeon.

"I have to do this. It's for the prophecy! It's either you or your people..." The dirty blond-haired male cried, watching his hands shake in fear as he inched the spear closer to the faded teal-haired male's chest.

"W-what are you talking about?! What about us? I thought we'd do this together?" Siren sobbed, trying to stop the spear and his partner from hurting him or even killing him. Kappa screamed, shaking his head and making eye contact dead into Siren's eyes. The prince tensed up, feeling the glare that kappa was giving him.

"There is no us anymore, Siren! I must fulfill the prophecy no matter what it is. Even if it means," Kappa shakily sighed, looking away as the spear made contact with Siren's ruff skin. Siren let out a cry, grabbing the weapon and trying to stop it from impaling him, but the Beacon had a tight grip and it was not going to move anytime soon. "I'm so sorry.."

"Stop, please! I'm begging you!" Siren choked, crimson red blood slowly rolling out of his mouth and out of his chest. Tears poured from both of their eyes, not wanting to make eye contact even if this was their last moment together. The room soon felt lighter, indicating that the curse had stopped, as well as Sirens begs and cries. The room soon fell quiet, all apart from Kappa's screams and cries as he pulled the spear out, watching his lifeless lover before him softly touch the ground, the crimson red blood filled the water around him. Siren's bright light teal eyes slowly dimmed and became dead, no emotion in them nor the happiness that Kappa knew and loved from the first time they met.

"I hope you can forgive me.." he mumbled, delicately caressing his cold cheek. He sighed, dropping the spear and swimming far away from the castle. Once he was out of the castle, he was immediately dragged by the invisible force that takes him to the prophies.

"Now?! You're kidding.."


Three years have gone by since Siren's death, and Kappa couldn't, no wouldn't go near the fortress since of all the memories that happened in the dungeon room, he wouldn't want to go through the pain again.

"Mono, give it back!" you cried, trying to snatch your satchel that was full of supplies that you took from your old home. Unlike the three witches, you are with, you are a Kio fish with orange and white scales while a black line ran down your back.

"I never remember seeing you have this!" Mucku laughed, holding your body with one of her tentacles while she took the bag from Mono and looked through it as well. You yelped, feeling your body go upside down. You gasped, looking to your left and seeing a shiny body, taking a wild guess that it was the Beacon.

"Yeah... it's mine, give it back!" you cried, finally grabbing the satchel and putting it around your body, freeing yourself from Mucku's tentacles and making your way over to the male. The male sighed, fixing the hood that rested on top of his head as it was covering more of his face.

"Are you..the beacon?" you grinned, looking him up and down to see the shiny golden color scales that couldn't be hidden from the cloak that was on his body. He nodded slightly, shivering at the name 'beacon'. You gasped, taking off his hood and frowned, seeing that his eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were tear-stained.

"Don't...ask, please.." he begged, slowly putting the hood on but so you could see his face. You nodded, pulling him into a hug. He gasped, quickly returning the hug and sobbing into your shoulder. 'Something terrible really happened to him...' you sighed, rubbing his back in hopes that calmed him down slightly. 'It wasn't my fault, the prophecy made me do it.' was what he kept mumbling over and over, choking on his own words or hiccupping mid-sentence.

"Hey, we'll get through this together. Even though I don't know what happened, I'll be there." you mumbled, giving the poor boy a small squeeze before looking into his light brown eyes. He nodded slightly, a small smile was on his face, making you feel better about the situation a little bit.

"Thank you. That means a lot. I'm Kappa." he introduced himself, putting his hand out slightly.

"Yeah, anytime! I'm (Y/N)." you replied, taking his hand and shaking it slightly.

"You're a Kio! I just realized," he gasped in awe, swimming around you to see your whole body. You laughed, watching the beacon take in your fetchers as he continued to swim around you. "'s been while since I met one." You smiled, seeing that there was a smile on the boy's face, much bigger that the first one.

"You're smiling!" You sang, doing jazz hands slightly. He smiled, looking down and rubbing his neck.

"This is the first time in three years.." he confessed, looking in your eyes then at the ground again. Your jaw dropped, staring at Kappa with wide eyes.

"What?! Well, when you are with me, that will change!" You smiled, putting your hands on your hips.

For the next six months, you always tried your best to make the beacon smile, being successful most of the time. You had help from Mucku and Mono as well. And during those six months, Kappa forgot all about his past three years ago and found he had feeling for you.

"Mucku! Put us down!" You cried, trying to put your body upright while Kappa was laughing his tail off. She chuckled, lifting you two higher up by her tentacles. Mono let out a slightly laughed, pointing at the two mers as they dangled from the dark purple tentacles, swaying back and forth slightly.

"Why should I? Kappa is laughing like a maniac right now." She beamed, turning you around so you could face him.

"I can't breath!" He laughed out, holding his stomach and letting out a silent laugh, making you snort slightly. He let out a wheeze, making you lose it and laugh along with him.

"Why are we laughing?" You breathed out, grabbing Kappas hands while shaking your head, hoping that will calm you down slightly.

"I don't know!" He wheezed, wiping the tears that pricked at his eyes from all the laughing. Once the two of you calmed down, the five of you were on the road again.

"That was a needed laugh, I could tell." You whispered, intertwining your hand with his. He nodded, squeezing your hand lightly.

"Yeah, it's been awhile since I've laughed that hard." He replied, quickly kissing your cheek. Sighing, the two of you felt your body's being picked up and being put upside down.

"Really?!" You both cried, glaring at Mucku who laughed. You chuckled, closing your eyes and quickly pecking Kappa on the lips.

"I'd never thought you'd confess to me last month." You smiled, seeing the playful smirk rest on his face.

"Well, that's because I'd knew you'd fall for all this!"

"Don't fatter yourself too much, kid."

Castle Swimmer x Reader OneShots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora