Different Worlds ~Siren x Human!Reader~ Part 1??

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"I'll be at the dock!" You called out to your dad, slipping on your (f/c) flip flops and running out the back door. Your dad laughed slightly, passing your little brother his sandals, and closed the screen once he ran after you with his sandals on.

"(Y/N), wait for me! You are way faster than me because I'm snack size!" Your brother, (B/N) called out, putting his arms out in hopes you'd pick him up. You sighed, stopping in your tracks and waiting for your brother to catch up. Once he got to you, you swooped him into your arms and continued to go to walk to the dock.

"Do you think we'll see anything?" You asked, putting him on the ground and leaning over the small cement wall. He laughed, looking next to you and making sure he didn't fall in like last time.

"I think so!" He smiled, sitting down on the border and taking off his sandals, slipping his feet into the clear blue sea.

"Siren, be careful...you know that there are bad people at the surface," Susca warned her son, giving him a careful facial expression. He sighed, nodding his head and trying to get his hand back. "I don't want you to-"

"-Get caught...I know, I'll be careful." He sighed, giving her a soft smile before swimming up to the surface. The only reason he wanted to go to the surface is that he saw something the looked like it was made of stone, not too far from the castle.

Making his way closer to the strange wall, he heard two voices; one male, who sounded like a nine-year-old, and a female, who sounded around his age which is 19. He hid behind a rock that stood halfway in the water and the other half was out of the water that was about half a mile away from the wall.

"Hey, (Y/N)? Did you see something behind that rock?" your brother asked, pointing at the rock and glancing over to your body. You took off your flip-flops, tossing them on the wooden floor and getting into the water which was a bit over knee-deep. Siren gulped, covering his mouth and making sure to make no movements.

"Stay here, ok? I'll check it out," you demanded, waddling through the salty water and to the rock. Your brother gasped, clutching onto one of the wooden poles that helped keep the ceiling up. You groaned, getting on the rock and looking around.

"(B/N), there isn't any-" you paused, looking down into the water and seeing it, or him based off of his hair and the pieces of jewelry he had on. The two of you stared at each other, taking in the other's features.

"Y-you...you-you're a human," the male stuttered out, backing up slowly. You nodded slightly, shock that he could talk. "And..you are g-going to capture me and take me away!"

"What? No! I'd never." you reassured, putting your hands up to show that you don't have anything on you. He glanced over to your bother, making sure that he couldn't see him.

"Well-What about him?"

"He's with me. And he won't hurt you either."

The shark sighed, shakily putting his hand out slightly. You smiled, shaking his hand and breath in at the touch, feeling that his hand was ruff and tougher than yours.

"I'm (Y/N), and that's my brother, (B/N). We live over there." you smiled, pointing over to your (p/c) (paint color) house with was at the start of the beach. The male nodded, pushing himself up so he sat on the rock, enough to keep his body hidden for a while longer.

"I'm Siren. Prince Siren, but you can call me Siren. I live a few miles away from here with my kingdom." he smiled, pointing out to the darker parts of the water.

"You're a prince?!" you cry, looking down to Siren as he nodded, showing you his sharp teeth before covering them and apologizing.

"Whoa...a MerShark..." your brother gasped, looking down at Siren which made the two of you yelp in surprise. You laughed slightly, messing with your brother's hair, and giving Siren a soft smile, making his cheeks dust pink.

Castle Swimmer x Reader OneShots!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz