𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 12

Start from the beginning

"I can't, Takemitchi"

"I can't hit Baji-san" he said.
"Huh? Chifuyu, what do you mean?"

Then Baji starting to get out of Takemitchi, but then Takemitchi saw Kazutora is not in the place where we been before.

Then in a second, Baji-san has been stabbed by Kazutora. But yet, Takemitchi save him.

"Thanks for the save, Takemitchi" he said.

"Kazutoraaaa! What the fuck were you trying to do?!" Chifuyu get mad.

"I'm glad you are alive" Takemitchi said. "Huh? The hell is your deal?" Baji replied.

"I'm taking Kisaki down"
But yet. "I'm going to crush Kisaki down and be Toman's leader" Takemitchi said.

On the other side, Mitsuya and others still fighting Valhalla members. Valhalla looks like they have supply of members.

"Let us fight with your side" Takemitchi said. Referring to Chifuyu too. But Chifuyu and Takemitchi receives a punch from Baji.

"Take care of Mikey for me" Baji said as he walk continuesly.

Now Baji is facing Third division men. A fifty members versus Baji. Then, Baji tied his hair... And he attack The 50 members of third division.
Within a blink, Baji defeat all this 50 members. As well as the vice captain.

"Checkmate, Kisaki" he said
"Go ahead and kill me, if you can" Kisaki said.

Then Baji spit some blood. Then he fell off. Then Chifuyu go towards Baji-san. "Kazutoraaaa!" Chifuyu shouted.

Then, Mikey stood up. "I wanted to kill you for so long" Mikey said

"But the one who kept telling me not to was Baji, Baji said. Kazutora just wanted to make you happy" Mikey continued.

"Kenchin, this fight is over" as Mikey walks.

"You trying to fuck with me Mikey?! That's not something you get to decide, Bitch!" Hanma said

Then Mikey throw some kick to Hanma. Then Hanma went down. "People can betray anyone, let's end this Mikey, will you die or will I?" Kazutora said.

Then Mikey punch Kazutora. "If all you can do is destroy the things I care about then I'll destroy you, Right here and now" Mikey said.

Kazutora went down again after Mikey kicks him. "Then I'll destroy you, Kazutora"

He continue punching Kazutora. "Mikey is gonna kill... Kazutora" Mitsuya said.

"Mikey!" Nobody can't stop Mikey now.... Then Baji stood up but still helpless.

"You got mad because of me? Thanks man" then Baji is walking while bleeding.

"I'm not gonna die here, this wound ain't gonna kill me" (from the top)

And Baji stabbed himself. "Kazutora, you are not gonna kill me"

Then Baji fell down. "Takemitchi, come closer" Baji said out of breath
"Kisaki is the enemy, It realized that back when Pah stabbed osanai"

"Kisaki is proposing something to Mikey"

"Kisaki is not the third division captain, Toman was formed by the six of us. No matter what happens Pah's the only third division captain"

"Pah, Mitsuya, Draken, Mikey, Kazutora... Toman's founding members are my treasure, I wanted to fix this on my own, but I just couldn't"

"I died on my own, Mikey has no reason kill Kazutora... It's about time. I'm hallucinating"

"Mikey and Toman, I'm leaving them on your hands"



"I'd kill for some peyoung yakisoba, Right now"

"I'll go buy some"

"We'll split it right?"

"Thanks Chifuyu" then. Baji closed his eyes.

On the other side, Mikey attacks Kazutora. Then Takemitchi go infront of Mikey. "Move or I'll kill you"

"You gotta stop, Mikey-kun!" Then Mikey punch Takemitchi. "Baji-san didn't want this"

"Don't talk about Baji"

"Don't talk about Baji? Baji-kun's dead, damn it! Why don't you get it?! What do you think Baji-kun died in the first place?"

"It was for you two and for Toman, Baji-kun wasn't killed by Kazutora! He decided to kill himself because he didn't want Kazutora to feel responsible, because he wanted you to forgive Kazutora..."

"He did that because he loved you guys, why can't you understand that?!"

Then Mikey pick up the charm and ask Takemitchi where did he get it. Then Takemitchi found it in the shrine. "Baji had this the whole time"

Long chapter. Hehe, I'm sorry for not posting updates

𝐁𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐘 --- 𝑴𝒊𝒕𝒔𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊Where stories live. Discover now