Interviewing LouisYouHottie

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Hey Girlies!

So, ya, I'm uploading Shelli's book. I'm in Florida don't yell at me because I'm late at stories >_< ANYWHO I introduce you to the funniest and fabuLOUIS writer (: So, this is just what I copied on my Mircosoft to here, sorry if there's a box xD I just copied and paste... I'm in a russssh ): Here we goo!

~Much love from, Bethany :) .x

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 Q1: Where does all your humor comes from?

LouisYouHottie; Well, when a mom and a dad love each other very much, they...

Oh that's not the question, erm where did I get my humor from?

I have this box under my bed labeled 'humor' and whenever I want to be funny I take it out and use it.

Q2: Do you ever think the 'The Accidental Skype Call' will happen?




I mean it's not like I've tried or anything...

Okay I have.

None of them have been Louis Tomlinson...

Q3: What's your hobbies?


Writing (obviously)

I love hanging out with friends! You know, the usual.

I also enjoy the three S's



Stalking- errr I mean swimming.

I also spend an awful lot of time on the Internet.

 Q4: When you're older... Who do you picture yourself as?

LouisYouHottie; Erm... Me? Yeah I picture myself as me. Hopefully a little better looking.

I also picture myself as Mrs Tomlinson.

 Q5: Do you normally fan girl?

LouisYouHottie; What no.


 A little.

 Okay no, I fangirl a heck of a lot. Have you seen One Direction? It's hard not to fangirl.

Q6: Where do you get all the writing ideas from?

LouisYouHottie; This magical place. 

My mind!

No seriously, it's hard to believe, but it's true.

I often just sit there and day dream of 1D things I want to happen to me, then I write the ideas down. That's where my writing comes from, my fantasies.


Q7: Who is that person that inspired you to write all these fan fictions and stories?

LouisYouHottie; Louis, Liam, Niall, Harry & Zayn.

Their faces just make me want to write.

And do other things... 

Like sing.

Q8: What do you want to be when you grow older?

LouisYouHottie; An actress! One of the comedic genre.

Mrs Tomlinson would suffice as well.

Q9: Tacos or Nandos? PICK ONEE!

LouisYouHottie; NANDOSSSS!

I've never tried Tacos though, so...

Now I'm really hungry, would kill for some Nandos right now.

With a side of 1D ;)

Q10: Would you rather...

Lick a hobo's foot for the rest of your life.... OR ....Become a stripper for your life xD

LouisYouHottie; If that hobo is named Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik or Liam Payne then I choose that one.

If not, I'd still choose that one, because with my clumsiness and awkward demeanor, I'd be the worst stripper in the world.

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