Chapter One: Court

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It was morning. And this particular morning was the best morning that Tubbo could remember since the beginning of L'manburg. Tubbo woke up, and remembered Tommy came back. He had been released from his exile....quickly, he got dressed, brushed his teeth and hurried to Tommy's house. Tubbo knocked on Tommy's door, waiting for him to answer.

Tommy was fast asleep. He was rolled over on his side, legs dangling off the bed with his arm over his face. His covers were half over him.

"Probably sleeping," Tubbo knocked again, this time much harder.

Tommy awoke with a start. Something woke him him. Banging? He shook it off and laid back down. Whatever it was, it stopped.

"Tommy?" Tubbo yelled. "Definitely asleep. I don't even know what time it is," Tubbo thought to himself and looked at his phone. It was 8:05 a.m. "Wow it is really early."

Tommy sat up. Was that Tubbo? He heard yelling. He got up and rushed to the door and opened it. "Hey?"

"Hello!" Tubbo said excitedly. "Did i wake you up? Sorry!"

   "Yeah, but I needed to get up anyways"

"What for? I was thinking we could build our own hangout area! We dont need a permit for this, I think..."

Tommy shrugged. "I didn't want to sleep in too late. It's better to get up now. And sure! Would we make it out of wood, stone...dirt?" He laughed a little at his last comment.

"Lets make it out of....wood and stone! But I'm not sure where we can build it. We should go look!"

"I'm not sure what materials I have in my chests but we can check....but let's go!" Tommy urged him.

"I think I have enough,"  Tubbo said. "We should make it hidden.. in a forest!" Tubbo and Tommy made their way to a forest not far from his house. Tubbo found a clearing and said "We can make it here.

"This sounds good! Nobody will be able to know it's here!" Tommy nodded. He liked the fact that they were able to do something so soon after his exile.

"Yup!" Tubbo heard quick footsteps and turned around. He saw Dream walking by, and stopped when he saw Tubbo and Tommy.

"Ohh um- hey?' Dream said nervously.

"Your not supposed to-" Tubbo said, but Dream cut him off.

"Yes, i know I'm not supposed to be here, i was just going to the office to get a notebook." Tommy looked at Dream in confusion.

"Erm okay..." he went back to planning. Tubbo turned back to Tommy. "

"We should have something cool.. something you wouldn't find in an normal house..." Dream already left. "What should be the cool thing?"

Tommy turned around to think...."We could have a water fountain?"

"Yeah! That would be awesome! Lets start building it now. We could place down some chests nearby and store our materials for the hangout." Tommy nodded and began to chop down the wood they would need. Tubbo went to a tree a bit farther away from Tommy's and began chopping it down.

"How much wood do we actually need..?"

"Depends. Do we want it big or small?"

"It doesn't have to be that big. But not that small either. Maybe 4 stacks of wood," Tubbo said, moving on to another tree. Tubbo withdrew his axe, and just as he was about to swing, he saw a hand reach out from behind him and grab the axe.

"Wha-" Tubbo turned around and Dream was there.

"Your permit?" Dream said, holding a folder with the letter "W" on it. Tommy stood in disbelief. When did Dream get here?

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