Chapter 1: The Beginning

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You awoke to darkness, with no recollection of how you got there. You sit up and feel around until you grab a flashlight and turn it on. You look around the dusty old room and frown. No time for exploring-

You hear it.

The sound was distant and echoed through the house. You weren't able to figure out what it was so you shrug it off and head down a hall only to stop as you hear it again but a little closer. You sigh softly and flash the light to painting. Is that the kid from home alone? What the fuck? You blink a couple of times and continue down the hall, turning a corner. The sound echoes again you finally make it out as a creature crawls towards you full speed, ready to kill you.

"Hee Hee"

"Hee Hee"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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