Chapter Thirty Eight

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Tom shrugged, "Magic?"

"He's not wrong," Hermione commented.

"What's the point of the train if you can just teleport everywhere?" Tom asked dryly, a long-suffering expression upon his countenance.

"Safety," Harry replied quickly, "Not to imply the Floo Network isn't safe. It's just when transporting between long distances, the Hogwarts Express keeps all the students 100% secure."

"Well, it seems like it's Tom's first time travelling so Ron why don't you act as an example?"

Ron accepted the role and took a handful of powder from the pot and walked into the fireplace, "Burrow!" he proclaimed and dropped the powder. Instantly he was enveloped in a small explosion of green flames and disappeared from sight. Tom stepped back initially in shock before looking over at Harry and Hermione. Both could see the look of incredulousness and slight fear that was clear on his face, as if he was saying, "Are you serious?!"

"So, you see, you just go into the fireplace, say where you want to go, for now 'Burrow!' and then drop the powder. Do you want to go next?" Hermione held out the pot to Tom. Every part of Tom's rational brain was telling him not to. He didn't know what the hell he'd just seen and this could all be a trick for all he knew... but then again... the lazy, tired side of Tom's brain took over: he just couldn't be bothered with all that thinking. He took a handful of powder and entered the fireplace. He had to bend down as he did so, as he was too big to fit.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, still holding the powder.

"No," assured Hermione.

'It probably hurts,' Tom mentally concluded.


He dropped the powder and his view was instantly obscured by an emerald light.

He had indeed travelled somewhere. Once the emerald light faded away from in front of him he saw a different room to the one he had just been standing in. Cautiously he stepped out, looking around him to see where he was. Ron appeared next to him.

"Come on," he said, "Get out of the way for the rest of them."

Tom did so. A few seconds later, Hermione appeared in a puff of green fire in the fireplace, stepping out proudly. And then after that, so did Harry.

"So Tom," said Harry, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder, "Welcome to The Professor Weasleys' home: The Burrow."

Tom gazed around the room he was in. The roof was just big enough to fit his head so he could stand up straight. The floors were wooden as were the walls. It had an old, folk-type aesthetic, one Tom, as a city child, had never experienced. It was quaint and humble yet large and spacious. The word Tom was looking for was 'magical'. And yet even though Tom was mystified by the niceness of the area he found himself in, his face only portrayed a look of tired uncaring.

"Want me to take you to your room?" asking Hermione, walking towards the stairway in the corner. Tom broke out of his trance.

"Room?" he repeated. Hermione nodded.

"Yes, we prepared you a room so you can sleep here."

Tom didn't really know how to respond so he just stood there... silently... awkwardly.

Harry spoke for him, "He means thank you."

Tom nodded, still not knowing the words to say. Hermione smiled at him.

"You're welcome."

Tom followed Hermione upstairs and down a corridor to a room.

"Sorry that it's the smallest room in the house," Hermione commented as she opened the door, "Everywhere else is either a work or storage space. But I think it'll fit you."

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