"I'm going to go and see Tohru" Sara smiled while Yuki looked away and the grandfather looked between the to before chuckling.

"Tohru" Sara states while the brown hair girl head raised before she let out a smile.

"Sara-chan!" She shouted while Sara shuddered as tears brimmed her eyes on seeing Tohru in the state she is.

"I heard you were here, Kyo called me" Sara stated while Tohru stopped, The dark haired girl looked at her in confusion.

"Tohru. Did something happen with Kyo?" Sara questioned while the said girl simple looked down to the floor, Sara signed reaching out her hand.

"You helped me Tohru, let me help you" Sara smiled squeezing the girls hand in reassurance

"Okay, Sara-Chan" Tohru smiled while Sara returned the smile the two comforting each other.

"You should tell him again and don't take no as an answer" Sara stated after her and Tohru had talked, she leaned against the chair, legs crossed.

"You have another chance" Sara muttered looking to the floor with a clenched fist while Tohru looked at her.

"You love Yuki don't you?" Tohru questioned as the dark haired girls head snapped up with wide eyes meeting Tohru warm kind eyes.

"Damn" Sara muttered as she stood in the window looking out through the hospital though Sara stopped once she saw a familiar figure

"No, no" Sara muttered running down the corridor unknown to her another figure saw her running

"Y-you" Sara muttered as she saw the dark haired head of the sohma family as her eyes filled with fury "y-you did this! Didn't you to tohru?!" Sara shouted at the person who simple looked at her in sorrow

"I didn't mean to" Akito mumbled as they looked down, Sara hands clenched together.

"Tohru was trying to help wasn't she?" Sara asked which cause the person eyes widen as she looked up to Sara face who were filled with concern.

"She helped me as well as Yuki" Sara muttered which simple caused the person to look away while Sara signed " and you made me stay away from him! Hurt him and your the one who hurt him!" Sara shouted before signing once again

"You have hurt a lot of people right? Including both Yuki and Tohru" Sara asked though unknown to both another person was coming towards them.

"You regret it right? Making me stay away from Yuki? Hurting Tohru and everyone else?" Sara questioned while a silver haired boys eyes widened

"I-I didn't mean to. I-I didn't want to lose the-" Akito stopped as the dark haired girl came towards her

"Let me be the first to give you forgiveness" Sara muttered before she placed her hand on the person shoulder "I forgive you" Sara muttered while Akito eyes widened

"Y-you-" Akito muttered beige Sara signed looking at the person in front of her.

"I have to, if I don't forgive you how am I suppose to be able to forgive myself" Sara stated with a small smile while Akito simple looked at her "now go and see Tohru" Sara muttered nudging them as they walked away.

"That's why" a voice behind which caused the dark haired girl to stop in her track at her eyes widened as she turned to see Yuki

"Akito told you to stop seeing me?" Yuki stated once again though Sara just stayed standing their eyes wide as the boy made his way over "Sara" Yuki states

"Yuki" Sara muttered as she looked down towards the floor as she bit her lip "I-I they were threatening my family and I didn't know what to do, it was so hard and-" Sara stopped

"It's okay" Yuki muttered while Sara eyes widened as she looked at him

"No! No it isn't because I should of just told you, told you the truth and told you how I feel!" Sara shouted while Yuki stopped his eyes wide as he looked at her.

"I thought I didn't have the right! The right to comfort you! The right to help you when I was hurting myself but you- you" Sara stated stuttering her face lighting up in a blush.

"Yuki- your the one that helped me! Your the reason I have friends now, your the reason i talk to people, your the reason I joined the council, the reason I stood up to my mother" Sara shouted before she looked down tears in her eyes

"Your the reason I can see the light now! And all these reasons have helped me to understand my feelings, the feelings I have for you!" Sara shouted once again

"Sara" Yuki muttered tears in his eyes as he looked at the girl who's face was bright red, the wind brushing her dark hair as her green eyes were tainted with tears

"I love you!" Sara shouted while Yuki eyes widened before he smiled, coming closer and closer to the girl.

"Sara" Yuki muttered his hand tracing her cheek as she looked up at him, Yuki only wished he could hug her

"I love you two" his hand traced her cheek.

"Yuki" Sara muttered looking at him with tears while Yuki simple caress her cheek before kissing her forehead.

Infatuation (Yuki Sohma)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant