t h i r t y o n e

Start from the beginning

she could feel tears start to sting her eyes. wiping her face, before they fell. not wanting to cry again today.

finally the feeling of stinging tears cleared, the woman looked to the side. her eyes landing on the simple picture of her and her husband smiling. the frame standing tall on her night stand.

right next to it, was a printed picture of taehyung smiling with a single daisy in his hands. his boxy smile shining brightly in the sun light. the freckles on his face looked so illuminated in the pretty picture.

she let out a shaky breath, looking at both pictures.

everything had been so perfect and simple before. it seemed now, she could never go back to how it was.

trying not to think about it all too much, the womans hazel eyes landed on a simple business card, sitting untouched on her side table.

her hand reached out to grab it. fiddling with the card in her hands. turning it over, her eyes scanning the number that was written on the back.


mrs. kim felt a unsettling feeling in her stomach as she read the number repeatedly. 

remembering the conversation she had with the policeman and taehyungs doctor, before this card was given to her at the beginning of the week.

she didnt want to do what they had suggested.

infact, she didnt want taehyung anywhere near that boy.

"it would be good for him to see the boy one last time." is what they told her. that didnt seem right. not right at all.

he was supposed to get dethatched from him, and everything that related to him.

not get reattached by visiting him.

just as she almost decided even thinking or considering it was stupid, and tossing the card in the trash. her eyes flashed back to the happy picture of taehyung on her side table.

his bright boxy smile. and twinkling hazel eyes.

oh how much she wished to see taehyungs smile again.

mrs. kim's eyes glanced back to the number on the card. nervousness visible on her face. 

she bit her bottom lip slightly.

before she grabbed her phone and slowly started dialing in the numbers.


taehyung heard the click of his door close after his mom left. and was finally able to sniffle back his tears and runny nose. knowing his mom was no longer in the room.

the boy laid still on his bed, unable to see the wall right infront of his face, through his tears. the heavy salt water tears in his eyes making everything around him blurry and indistinguishable.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 || 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐊𝐨𝐨𝐤Where stories live. Discover now