The Candy Aisle

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Prompts: Shopping, Trust

Summary: The son of the Dark Lord confronts his most frightening challenge yet: getting lost in the grocery store. Emotions ensue.

Warning(s): Covers fears of abandonment. Lloyd also has a bit of a sudden panic, so tread lightly if that may make you uncomfy.

Notes: Takes place during season one, a few weeks after the Ninja took Lloyd in. This ended up being way longer than I expected lol but I hope you enjoy anyway :)

 This ended up being way longer than I expected lol but I hope you enjoy anyway :)

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"Alright, gang." says Cole. "Let's go over this one last time."

The Ninja plus Nya stand outside Ninjago City Grocery, huddled in a tight circle just outside the sliding doors. Like their usual grocery runs, they're dressed in casual clothing to avoid attracting any attention, their faces concealed by hoodies or hats. The earth ninja pulls a handful of crumpled-up papers from his pocket: shopping lists, one for each ninja. He starts to pass them out, rattling off assignments as he goes.

"So, to recap, I'm takin' care of the food this time around. Nya, you've got the hygiene supplies, and Zane's on hardware duty. Kai and Jay, can you handle finding some new clothes?" The aforementioned two nod. "Cool. Oh, Jay, did you bring the coupons?"

"Like I'd ever leave home without them." The blue ninja grins as he procures a few from the pocket of his hoodie. He distributes them evenly among his friends with a smirk.

"You've gotta be the only person in Ninjago who gets geeked over coupons," Kai mutters as he takes one.

"I'll have you know I pride myself on my collection. Besides, you're using 'em now, so clearly it's worth it."

"Simmer down, you two," Cole interjects, though his lips quirk upward in an amused grin. "Alright, we'll meet back here in uh...say, thirty minutes?"

"Affirmative." Zane nods, and the others do the same.

"Alright, team, let's do this."

"Hey, what about me?" squeaks a tiny voice.

The group pauses as they remember that, on this particular grocery run, they aren't alone. Everyone turns, flinching beneath the blood-red glare of Lloyd Garmadon beneath his hood.

As protectors of Ninjago, the five of them have trained to carry all sorts of burdens and responsibilities. Becoming surrogate parents was not one of them. And yet, just over three weeks ago, they'd wound up with the literal spawn of a demon in their care. Despite his troubled past, no one is fully on board with the idea of living with the son of their greatest nemesis. Not a soul is thrilled about hearing his whining day and night, or having to deal with his attitude and endless pranks, or being perpetually unnerved by his odd, more-than-a-little-creepy red eyes. The only person who seems even remotely pleased with his presence is Master Wu, who'd insisted they bring his nephew shopping with them today. Some time out and about, he'd insisted, would do the boy some good.

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