Part 3

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It had been week she is staying in Arnav's house. Arnav's Nani does not talk with her. And her eyes show her dislike to not near Vivaan. Khushi watches the baby from away.....looking at his every gesture and antics.

She came out of her room hearing his cry, like always drawn towards him. When a child is the picture no one will be able to escape from their cuteness and Khushi is not less being always liked children, she now adores Vivaan, even though secretly as Nani does not like her around him. She could not hold herself anymore seeing him cry so much. What happened to him? Worry engulfing her heart.

He is in his cradle crying, and no one is around. Where is Nani? Where is HP bhaiya?'

Rushing to him she took him in her arms 'no no shona...what happened to my baby? Why is he crying?' she caressed his cheek, forehead....patting him on his back.

Khushi 'na na baby...don't my baby hungry? Oh my Shona, let me ask HP bhaiya for your baby food'

'How dare you?' came an angry voice.

Khushi looked up startled at Nani's voice; she came towards Khushi with milk bottle in her hand and took Vivaan from her arms. Nani 'how dare you to come near my Vivaan?'

Khushi 'Nani ji I...'

Nani 'Don't call me that.....stay away from me and my naathi'

Khushi stepped back in fear more than her words her eyes filled with disgust for her scared her.

'Nani!!!' both Khushi and Nani turned to see Arnav standing there looking angry.

He came near them 'What the hell is wrong with you? How can you talk to her like that?'

Nani 'wah bitwa you can insult your family before a stranger. What is she to you? She is no one. You are just pitying and helping her. I know the girls like her'

Arnav 'Nani!!! Not a word more'

Khushi stifled her sob. Arnav 'give Vivaan to me'

Nani looked at him shocked, he is asking for his son for the first time. In her surprise she did not realize Arnav taking his son in his arm, and then turning to Khushi 'here hold him'

Khushi watched him in surprise. Arnav 'hold him are not any stranger in this house. When I brought you here I've brought you as my friend and family. No one has the right to speak anything against you. *turning to Nani* don't forgot Nani, this is my house and he is my son. Everything will happen as per my wish. *taking the milk bottle in his hand he gave to Khushi* take it and leave with him to your room. From now onwards no one will stop you from being with Vivaan *looking at Nani's angry face*. And it is final. Go Khushi'

Khushi looked at Nani and Arnav, they both are ready to have a Go at each other.

She silently left with Vivaan to her room.

Nani 'Arnav, what the hell is wrong with you?'

Arnav 'you are wrong and your thinking is wrong. You have always been wrong. Never ever say anything against Khushi'

He turned to leave when Nani's voice stopped him 'What is she to you? You are fighting with me for her. This is the first time I'm seeing you fighting for any girl not even your sister got that privilege'

Arnav 'She is someone I wished has come in my life before it collapsed because of you and Di, Nani. She is someone I wish to be in my life even if you or anyone is there or not.'

Nani gasped at his words. He giving her a last glance left to see Khushi.

Entering inside the room, his eyes became tender seeing the scene. Khushi cuddling Vivaan close to her heart making him sleep.

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