First date

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let's appreciate how cute charli looks⬆️

December 4th 2019 — 4:57 pm

Charli's POV
It's Thursday and I'm getting ready for my date with my friend his name is Quincy and we've been talking online for about 3 weeks and he's a bit mean but he's really hot. We're finally gonna meet today for lunch and I hope it goes well. I'm currently doing my makeup and hair because I have to be their at 5:25 but my best friend chase is on his way to pick me up, we've been friends forever and I couldn't ask for a better bestie, I have other female friends but they live in LA mean while I live in San Francisco.

Time skip about 15 minutes later
I hear a my doorbell ring so I look at my ring and I see it's chase "open the door and stop looking at me through your weird camera doorbell charls" he says looking into the camera "oh shut up here I come" I reply giggling, I go downstairs and open the door "hi chasey" I say, he comes in "Madem Moiselle" he speaks in a French accent and bows, I giggle. "Come on help me pick a outfit" I grab his hand and pull him up the stairs. I sit at the foot of my bed and he sits on my bean bag "you know I hate all of your boyfriends but you suck at styling yourself so I'll give you some leeway" he say "first off he's not my boyfriend second I do have style" I defend myself "whatever what are your top choices?" He asks "okay so we have a pink flowy skirt with and a plain with crop top and pink and white Jordan 1's" I show him the outfit "eh too, boring. Next" he dismisses "we'll okay" I say I show him to more outfits then I show him the last one "brown leather jeans with a brown satin scarf top and brown black and white Jordan 1's" I show the fit.

Chases POV I've liked charli since middle school but I knew she'd never date me so I pushed my feelings down and never thought about them again and we were doing great until she turned around in those tight fitting pants, I won't lie I stared at h...

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Chases POV
I've liked charli since middle school but I knew she'd never date me so I pushed my feelings down and never thought about them again and we were doing great until she turned around in those tight fitting pants, I won't lie I stared at her ass for a good 2 minutes, "chase, chase! I said what do you think" she said looking at me thru her mirror "I think you look gorgeous" omg did I just say that out loud, I hope she thinks I'm mean in a friend way "thanks chasey, now come on we're gonna be late" oh thank god, "you mean you're. I'm not the one going on the date char char" I remind her "I know that silly" she giggles. I love when she does that. Anyways I have to drive her to her stupid date.

Arriving to the cafe - 5-27 (late)

Charli's POV
We pull up to the cafe and chase stops me before I exit the car "char call me if he makes you uncomfortable in anyway I'm only down the street" he says sweetly "okay chasey bye thanks for dropping me off you're truly the best bestie I could ask for" I reply "anytime bestie" I get out and open the door I start the search for table #13 because that's where Quincy said he'd been seated, I see table 13 but not Quincy it's a short chubby brown haired black eyed boy with facial hair I scarily walk to the table "hi are you Quincy Davies?" I ask "uh yes you must be Charlotte" he says sounding like a 4 year old "charli. It's charli call me char" I say trying to be nice. We talk for about 15 minutes and I soon realize he lied about everything and he set off about ten red flags so I'm gonna sneak away to the bathroom, "shoot I gotta pee I'll be right back quin" I say lying he nods and I speed walk to the bathroom I call chase and tell him everything he says he's on his way and I should probably stay in the bathroom so I do.

15 minutes later
Chase says he's outside and walk out the bathroom I don't see Quincy anymore so I continue walking I reach the door and walk out "leaving already sweetie" I hear I turn and see Quincy "I- I m- u-m" I stutter "come on just come back to my place" he approaches me "no I think I'm just gonna head home" I say backing up "no come o-" "she said no. Back off creep or else" I hear "char lets go" Quincy grabs my hand and start to pull me "NO" I yell, chase pushes him and punches him and we run back to his car. After we finished laughing our asses off he starts his car, "thanks again chasey I couldn't ask for a better person to be best friends with" I say he looks at me in my eye "you gotta stop friend zoning me char" he says "I-I" I stutter "I'm kidding, you're welcome" he says, I kiss him, I don't know why. I just do. He kisses back it feels like heaven, he smiles I do to. He pulls away with small kisses "I've waited years for that" he says, I smile "me too" I say "you like me?" He asks "yeah I've always had feelings for you I just ignored them because I knew you would not have been with a girl like me" I explain "charls anyone would be lucky to date you. You're perfect, amazing personality sweet smart kind selfless friendly and you're hot with an gorgeous body." He replies, I feel my face get hot and soon I'm blushing harder than before. "thank you chasey I think you're also amazing and hot" I reply he kisses me softly "so do you like me?" I ask "yeah I've also always pushed my feelings down because you always had a boyfriend and I'd thought we weren't right for each other" he explains "so that's why you never got a girlfriend" I ask, he nods yes.

"So what now" I ask "I'm gonna take you on a date" he replies.

Word count- 1050
If there's any spelling errors tell me because I don't feel like proof reading over this🤝

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